Creating a Transfer Disk

Create a transfer disk for a disk import transfer job.

When you create a transfer disk, the Data Transfer Utility:

  • Sets up the disk for encryption using the passphrase.

  • Creates a file system on the disk.

  • Mounts the file system at /mnt/orcdts_label.

For example:


When you register a transfer disk, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure generates a strong encryption passphrase that is used to encrypt the transfer disk. This passphrase is displayed in the return when you run the command. Create a local, secure copy of the encryption passphrase so you can reference the passphrase again. You cannot retrieve the passphrase after it is shown here. This passphrase is used to encrypt this disk and normally will not be needed again. However, if the system is restarted before all files are copied to the filesystem and the disk is then finalized through this CLI, you will need to provide the passphrase.

Creating a transfer disk requires the job ID returned from when you created the transfer job and the path to the attached disk (for example /dev/sdb).

Using the Data Transfer Utility

Use the dts disk create command and required parameters to create a transfer disk for a disk import transfer job.

dts disk create --job-id job_id --block-device block_device

Run dts disk create --help to view the complete list of flags and variable options.

When you run the dts disk create command, the CLI displays information regarding the creation of the disk, and prompts you to continue in several places. When the disk is created the following disk information is displayed:

dts disk create --job-id ocid1.datatransferjob.oci1..exampleuniqueID --block-device /dev/sdb
Transfer Disk : 
  Label:               : DNKZQ1XKC
  SerialNumber:        : VB6fc3b4a1-5d90f001
  Status               : PREPARING
  EncryptionPassphrase : passphrase

Record the passphrase in a secure, local location.