Deleting a Transfer Disk

Delete a transfer disk from a disk import transfer job.

Typically, you would delete a transfer disk during the disk preparation process. You created, attached, and copied data to the transfer disk, but have changed your mind about shipping the disk. If you want to reuse the disk, remove all file systems and create the disk again.

Using the Data Transfer Utility

Use the dts disk delete command and required parameters to delete a transfer disk from a disk import transfer job.

dts disk delete --job-id job_id --disk-label disk_label

Run dts disk delete --help to view the complete list of flags and variable options.

For example:

dts disk delete --job-id ocid1.datatransferjob.oci1..exampleuniqueID --disk-label DNKZQ1XKC

Deleted Disk: DNKZQ1XKC