Detaching a Transfer Disk from a Transfer Package

Detach a transfer disk from a transfer package for a disk import transfer job.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Data Transfer, click Imports. The Transfer Jobs page appears.
  2. Choose a Compartment you have permission to work in under List scope. All transfer jobs in that compartment are listed in tabular form.
  3. Click the transfer job associated with the transfer package having the disk attached. The transfer job's Details page appears.

  4. Click Transfer Packages under Resources. The Transfer Packages page appears. All transfer packages are listed in tabular form.

  5. Click the transfer package from which you want to detach a transfer disk. The transfer package's Details page appears.
  6. Click Detach Transfer Disk.

Using the Data Transfer Utility

Use the dts job detach command and required parameters to detach a transfer disk from a transfer package for a disk import transfer job.

dts disk detach --job-id job_id --package-label package_label --disk-label disk_label

Run dts disk detach --help to view the complete list of flags and variable options.

For example:

dts detach --job-id ocid1.datatransferjob.oci1..exampleuniqueID --package-label PWA8O67MI --disk-label DNKZQ1XKC

Detached disk: DNKZQ1XKC from package: PWA8O67MI