Partner's Payment for Marketplace Transactions and Reporting

Oracle Cloud Marketplace is the marketplace facilitator in charge of operations to bill, collect, and remit tax to taxing authorities.

Once a consumer launches your paid listings, the Oracle Marketplace meters track and report the usage and currencies. The consumer launch of a third-party listing is automatically reported and OCI Customer Instances report is regenerated. This report provides information about the instances created by customers for each of your listings. Furthermore, the report provides the date an instance was created, along with its current status, shape, and tenancy. In most cases, the partners publish many pricing types (Free, BYOL, Paid Listing, and Private Offers).

For Paid listings pricing type, partners can use the Paid Listing Usage report to track customer's usage of their software. This report provides information about customer usage of your paid listings.

Information in the Paid Listing Usage report only provides customer usage for your reference. Don't rely on this information for determining paid listing payments.

Oracle Cloud Marketplace pays its partners every month for prior month's transactions for paid listing and private offers pricing models. Oracle Cloud Marketplace determines the payment to the partners by calculating the usage multiplied by the UCC drawn-down currency price, applies a corporate monthly FX rate for billing in currencies other than USD. It withholds any applicable taxes which are determined by the ship-to address of the consumer. The partner is paid 97% and Oracle retains 3% of the paid listing or private offer after settlement by the customer.

Post payment, the partners can access the Disbursement and Tax Report which provides data about the amount that Oracle has collected from the customer for the usage of your paid listings and the amount that Oracle has disbursed to the bank account. For additional reporting, tax partners can use US Sales and Tax Report which provides data about the sales or use tax in the US that Oracle collects from the customer for usage of your paid listings in Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Furthermore, the report also lists the calculated taxable amount and the amount paid to the indicated taxing authority.