Changing the Time Range for a Custom Metric Chart

Set the bounds, or timestamps, of the metric data that you want for the metric chart on the Metrics Explorer page in the Console. By default, charts show the last hour of metric data.


The maximum time range returned for a query depends on the resolution. For more information about resolution, see Selecting a Nondefault Resolution for a Query.

For information about directly editing MQL expressions or changing queries by using the CLI or API, see Selecting a Nondefault Time Range for a Query.

  1. Create a basic query on the Metrics Explorer page.
  2. Select a period of time from Quick Selects.

    Example of chart for Last hour:

    Chart example for one-hour time range selection

    Example of chart for Last 6 hours:

    Chart example for six-hour time range selection
  3. To specify the start or end of a period time, enter a value in Start time or End time and then type a value.

    You can also select the date and time from the provided calendar tool.

    Calendar tool provided for start and end times

For information about changing queries by using the CLI or API, see Selecting a Nondefault Time Range for a Query.