Bulk Downloading Object Storage Objects

Download a group of objects from a bucket to a computer file system.

Using the CLI

Use the oci os object bulk-download command and required parameters to download a group of objects from a bucket:

oci os object bulk-download --bucket-name bucket_name --download-dir download_directory_location [OPTIONS]

where download_directory_location is the destination path for the objects being downloaded, such as C:\workspace\Downloads\ or /home/user/Documents/Downloads/. If the directory doesn't exist, Object Storage creates the directory when you run the command.

For example:

oci os object bulk-download --bucket-name MyBucket --download-dir c:\workspace\Downloads

Downloaded MyFile.txt [####################################] 100%
Downloaded logFile.log [####################################] 100%

  "download-failures": {},
  "skipped-objects": []

By default, all objects in the bucket are downloaded. Use the Optional Parameters listed in the oci os object bulk-download page to specify what files in bulk to download.

For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.