Deleting an Object Storage Object Version
Delete an object's version from an Object Storage bucket.
Deleting an object's version is permanent. You can't recover a deleted version. See Object Version Deletion for more information.
See Listing Object Versions in a Bucket for information on getting an object version's ID.
The version you deleted no longer appears in the object's list of versions.
Use the oci os object delete command and required parameters as described in Deleting an Object. Include the
parameter and version ID:oci os object delete --bucket-name bucket_name --name object_name --version-id version_id [OPTIONS]
For example:
oci os object delete --bucket-name MyStandardBucket --name MyTextDocument.txt delete --version-id 8d8f06ef-e0c2-4435-bea6-f7c3ec80a444 Are you sure you want to delete this resource? [y/N]: y
For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
Run the DeleteObject operation to delete an object from a bucket. Include the
attribute and the version ID.Object Storage prepends the Object Storage namespace string and bucket name to the object name when constructing a URL for use with the API:
The object name is everything after the
, which could include hierarchy levels and prefix strings.