Enabling Object Versioning when Creating an Object Storage Bucket

Enable object versioning when you create an Object Storage bucket.

    1. Create a bucket as described in Creating an Object Storage Bucket.
    2. Select Enable Object Versioning to direct Object Storage to create an object version each time the content changes or the object is deleted.
  • Create a bucket as described in Creating an Object Storage Bucket. Include the versioning parameter with the value enabled:

    oci os bucket create --name bucket_name --compartment-id compartment_ocid --versioning enabled

    For example:

    oci os bucket create --name MyStandardBucket --compartment-id ocid.compartment.oc1..exampleuniqueID --versioning enabled
      "data": {
        "approximate-count": null,
        "approximate-size": null,
        "compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaamnk2ilreg5fkgu7rarfbbhdv3a5ji4eixxgkl4uprbqk6aefv5sq",
        "created-by": "ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaah46lg3ueuftovn3urjgstlg4laxnre3djelu5jxy5uaqhgy7acgq",
        "defined-tags": {
          "Financials": {
            "key1": "nondefault"
        "etag": "a91fd091-e112-483e-8e23-2b5d11e3dc2d",
        "freeform-tags": {},
        "id": "ocid1.bucket.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaaqagwnd5foe23xhpqk6ts754igpuw5t7qrnapbmrv5tjiugvjvicq",
        "is-read-only": false,
        "kms-key-id": null,
        "metadata": {},
        "name": "MyStandardBucket",
        "namespace": "MyNamespace",
        "object-events-enabled": false,
        "object-level-audit-mode": "Disabled",
        "object-lifecycle-policy-etag": null,
        "public-access-type": "NoPublicAccess",
        "replication-enabled": false,
        "storage-tier": "Standard",
        "time-created": "2020-04-14T14:14:08.421000+00:00",
        "versioning": "Enabled"
      "etag": "a91fd091-e112-483e-8e23-2b5d11e3dc2d"

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Create a bucket using the CreateBucket operation as described in Creating an Object Storage Bucket . Include the versioning attribute with the value enabled.