Exporting a Custom Image to Object Storage for a Roving Edge Infrastructure Device

Describes how to export a custom image to object storage on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device.

Export custom compute images to object service in qcow2 format. The exported images are exported to a specified bucket.

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Compute > Images. The Custom Images page appears. All custom images are listed in tabular form.

    2. (Optional) Select a State from the list to limit the images displayed to that state.

    3. Click the image that you want to export to object storage. The image's Details page appears.

    4. Click Export. The Export Image dialog box appears.

    5. Select the object storage Bucket on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device where you want to export the image

    6. Enter the Name of the exported image. The image is exported in .qcow2 format.
    7. Click Export Image.

    After you click Export Image, the image state changes to Exporting. You can still launch instances while the image is exporting, but you can't delete the image until the export has finished. To track the progress of the operation, you can monitor the associated work request. For more information, see Using the Console to View Work Requests in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.

    When the export is complete, the image state changes to Available. If the image state changes to Available, but you do not see the exported image in the object storage bucket location you specified, this means that the export failed, and you will need to go through the steps again to export the image.

  • Use the oci compute image export to-object command and required parameters to export a custom image to object storage on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices:

    oci compute image export to-object --bucket-name bucket_name --image-id image_ocid --namespace rover-namespace [OPTIONS]

    Refer to your Roving Edge Infrastructure device's CLI help for a list of parameters available for this command. See Accessing Command Line Interface Help.

    For CLI setup information on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device, see Using the Command Line Interface.

  • Run the ExportImage operation to export a custom image to object storage on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices