Creating an Events Rule for a Roving Edge Infrastructure Device

Describes how to create an events rule on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device.

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Events > Rules. The Rules page appears. All events rules are listed in tabular form.
    2. Click Create Rule. The Create Rule dialog box appears.
    3. Enter the following:
      • Display Name: Specify a friendly name for the rule. You can change this name later. Avoid entering confidential information.
      • Description: Specify a description of what the rule does. You can change this description later.
    4. Under Rule Conditions, complete the following:

      To add an event type:

      1. Select Event Type from Condition.

      2. Select a Service Name.

      3. In Event Type, select one or more event types for this service.

      To add an attribute:

      You must first have already created an event type rule condition before you can add an attribute.

      1. Select Attribute from Condition.

      2. Select an Attribute Name.

      3. Select or enter attribute values from Attribute Values. Attribute values are optional.

      Click + Another Condition to add another rule condition.

    5. Under Actions, specify the trigger for the specified event conditions:
      1. Select the Action Type from the list. Options are HTTP and HTTPS.

      2. Select the URL of the action.

      3. Click + Another Action and select Event Type to add another action for the rule condition.

    6. Click Create Rule.

    The Create Rule dialog box closes and you are returned to the Rule page. The events rule you created is listed with the other ones.

  • Use the oci events rule create command and required parameters to create an events rule on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices:

    oci events rule create --compartment-id compartment_ocid --condition condition --actions actions [OPTIONS]

    To determine your Roving Edge Infrastructure device compartment OCID, see Compartments.

    Refer to your Roving Edge Infrastructure device's CLI help for a list of parameters available for this command. See Accessing Command Line Interface Help.

    For CLI setup information on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device, see Using the Command Line Interface.

  • Run the CreateRule operation to create an Events rule on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices.