Configuring the Network

The Roving Edge serial console Network Configuration menu provides the following options to configure the device network:

                       Network Configuration

1) Set Node IP Settings (Current Node Only)
2) Display Settings
3) Set Public IP Pool Range for Compute Instances (Cluster-Wide)
4) Display Public IP Pool Status
5) Control Network Ports
6) Configure DNS (Cluster-Wide)
7) Configure NTP (Cluster-Wide)
8) Configure Subnet Gateway (Cluster-Wide)
9) Reset Network
10) Configure Ethernet Bonding
11) Configure Internet Proxy
12) Help

Options 1 through 8: Use to display and configure the Roving Edge device networking parameters. Some network parameters are initially configured when you self-provision the device (described in Self-Provision the Roving Edge Device). Use these options if you need to make changes. See Configuring Device Networking.

Reset Network: Use to reset the network.

Configure Ethernet Bonding: Use to configure Ethernet bonding to use multiple NICs to connect to your network. See Managing Ethernet Bonding.

Configure Internet Proxy: Use to enable or disable an internet proxy that allows a Roving Edge device to communicate with OCI service endpoints when running behind firewalls. See Managing the Internet Proxy.

For advanced networking topics such as viewing the MACsec and internet gateway status, viewing VNIC information, and running diagnostics, see Managing Advanced Network Settings.