Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Nodes
Manage your Roving Edge Infrastructure device nodes in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, including creating, updating, and deleting them.
A Roving Edge Infrastructure node resource in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud represents a single device node provisioned with workloads (object storage buckets and compute instances) sourced from your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy. When you create a device node request in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud, you are requesting a device be sent to you provisioned with the data you specify.
Request a Roving Edge Infrastructure device node in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud by accessing the Roving Edge Infrastructure service and creating a node resource. A device node resource includes the following required or optional components:
User-defined name
Predefined shape
Compartment location in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy
Shipping information (delivery to customer site or pickup from Oracle facility)
One or more selected workloads, consisting of object storage, and compute instances residing on your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy. That content is preloaded onto the node and then made available to you by the delivery method you specify.
Ordering Oracle Roving Edge Infrastructure devices requires important terms and conditions to be understood and acknowledged before to taking possession. Please confirm that these terms and conditions have been included as part of your Oracle Cloud agreement. Once Oracle validates your request, your Roving Edge Infrastructure are provisioned and available for your possession.
You can perform the following Roving Edge Infrastructure device node management tasks: