Getting a Bucket's Details for Roving Edge Infrastructure

Describes how to get the details of an object storage bucket on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices.

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Storage > Object Storage & Archive Storage. The Buckets page appears. All buckets are listed in tabular form.

    2. Click the bucket whose details you want to get. The bucket's Details page appears.

  • Use the oci os bucket get command and required parameters to get the details of an object storage bucket on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices:

    oci os bucket get --bucket-name bucket_name [OPTIONS]

    For example:

    oci os bucket get --bucket-name my_bucket
      "data": {
        "approximate-count": null,
        "approximate-size": null,
        "auto-tiering": null,
        "compartment-id": "ocid1.tenancy.orei..exampleuniqueID",
        "created-by": null,
        "defined-tags": null,
        "etag": "3a4abb1c-0d4d-4760-b756-2fb69f46b73f",
        "freeform-tags": null,
        "id": "ocid1.bucket.orei.orei-1..exampleuniqueID",
        "is-read-only": null,
        "kms-key-id": null,
        "metadata": null,
        "name": "os_test",
        "namespace": "rover-namespace",
        "object-events-enabled": null,
        "object-lifecycle-policy-etag": null,
        "public-access-type": null,
        "replication-enabled": null,
        "storage-tier": null,
        "time-created": "2023-05-30T05:21:33+00:00",
        "versioning": "Disabled"
      "etag": "3a4abb1c-0d4d-4760-b756-2fb69f46b73f"

    Refer to your Roving Edge Infrastructure device's CLI help for a list of parameters available for this command. See Accessing Command Line Interface Help.

    For CLI setup information on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device, see Using the Command Line Interface.

  • Run the GetBucket operation to get the details of an object storage bucket on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices.