Aborting Multipart Uploads for Roving Edge Infrastructure

Describes how to abort multipart uploads to an Object Storage bucket on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices.

  • This task can't be performed using the Device Console.

  • Use the oci os multipart abort command and required parameters to abort multipart uploads to an Object Storage bucket on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices:

    oci os multipart abort --bucket-name bucket_name --object-name object_name --upload-id upload_ocid [OPTIONS]

    For example:

    oci os multipart abort --bucket-name my_bucket --object-name 50MB.bin --upload-id 2~JiwKkKpDd1EMZVoaRz6ZihtQEDcULtH
      "data": [
          "etag": "5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6",
          "md5": "5f363e0e58a95f06cbe9bbc662c5dfb6",
          "part-number": 3,
          "size": 5242880
      "opc-next-page": "3"
    WARNING: Are you sure you want to permanently remove this incomplete upload? [y/N]: y

    Refer to your Roving Edge Infrastructure device's CLI help for a list of parameters available for this command. See Accessing Command Line Interface Help.

    For CLI setup information on your Roving Edge Infrastructure device, see Using the Command Line Interface.

  • Run the AbortMultipartUpload operation to abort multipart uploads to an Object Storage bucket on your Roving Edge Infrastructure devices.