Configure Network Parameters

Configure the Roving Edge Device network settings through your controlling host that's connected to the serial port.


For a list of serial console commands, see Operating the Serial Console

  1. From the controlling host terminal window, select the Configure the Network menu option. The following options are displayed:

    • Set Node IP Settings (Current Node Only): Set the node IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.

    • Display Settings: Show the current network settings.

    • Set Public IP Pool Range for Compute Instances: Set the external IP address pool for compute instances.

      IP addresses are allocated from this pool when an instance is created with public IP address assigned to it.

      Important – This operation removes the current external IP address pool, and replaces it with the ranges from the new input.

      The best practice is to use a contiguous range of IPs. An ideal range is a CIDR range such as -, which corresponds to, which is what is stored internally.

      If you're updating your public IP pool range, none of the IPs in the existing range can be allocated to a compute instance during the operation. The best practice is to ensure all public IPs are dissociated with all compute instances before updating your public IP pool range.

    • Display Public IP Pool Status: Show the current public IP pool range.

    • Control Network Ports: Enable or disable network ports.

    • Configure DNS: Configure the DNS servers for the current node control plane. Reboot the device for the DNS configurations to take effect, if the device is already unlocked.

    • Configure Subnet Gateway: Configure the gateway for a given subnet. The destination can be the default IGW or a private IP Address. You can perform the following tasks:

      • Show Configuration: Show the current subnet gateway configuration. The output shows whether the destination is IGW or a private IP address for each subnet.

      • Update Configuration: Update the current subnet gateway configuration. For example:

        Idx  Subnet CIDR      DNS Label     Gateway
        1      Subnet-1
        2      Subnet-2      IGW
        3      Subnet-3      IGW
        Enter Subnet Index: 1
        Enter the gateway (IGW or private IP address) for this subnet:
    • Configure NTP: Perform the following NTP configuration tasks:

      • Display NTP Configuration: Configure external NTP servers. For example:

        Local Time and RTC
        Local time: Fri 2022-05-13 04:26:41 UTC
        Universal time: Fri 2022-05-13 04:26:41 UTC
        RTC time: Fri 2022-05-13 04:26:43
        Time zone: UTC (UTC, +0000)
        NTP enabled: n/a
        NTP synchronized: no
        RTC in local TZ: no
        DST active: n/a
      • Update NTP configuration: Identify the primary and secondary servers that set up the NTP configuration for the device.

    • Reset Network: Reset the network by erasing all the network configurations such as Node IP, Public pool, DNS, NTP, and Gateway.

    • Help: Display online help for the Network Configuration menu options.

    • Go Back: Return to the main serial console menu.

  2. Use the menu options to configure the device network parameters according to your network environment. At minimum, configure these parameters:

    • Network settings
    • DNS
    • NTP

What's next?

Unlock the Device