Set Up Terminal Emulation

Your initial communication with the Roving Edge Device is made through the serial console that's connected to a controlling host computer, such a laptop. The controlling host must have terminal emulation software that's configured as described in this section.

We recommend the following terminal emulation software based on your host operating system:

Microsoft Windows: PuTTY

Mac OS X: ZOC or screen (for example: screen /dev/ttyusbserialX 115200)

Linux: PuTTY, Minicom, screen (for example: screen /dev/ttyUSBX 115200)

  1. Based on your host OS, use the appropriate method to ensure that the pl2303 USB driver is installed. This USB driver is required for connectivity to the Roving Edge Device DB-9 serial port.

    The USB driver is preinstalled on Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel. The following command shows that the USB driver is present:

    [root@localhost ~]# modprobe pl2303 
    [root@localhost ~]# lsmod | grep -i pl2303
    pl2303                 24576  0 
    [root@localhost ~]# modinfo -d pl2303
    Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver

    If the driver isn't installed, use the appropriate method to install the driver. For example, go to the Microsoft Windows or Apple store to obtain and install the driver.

  2. Configure the terminal emulator software settings as follows:

    • Terminal Type: VT100+
    • Bits per second: 115200
    • Data Bits: 8
    • Parity: None
    • Stop Bits: 1
    • Flow Control: None

With PuTTY, you can't configure all these settings individually. However, you can configure the PuTTY default settings by selecting the Serial connection type and specifying 115200 for the Serial Line baud speed. This configuration is sufficient to use PuTTY as a terminal emulator for the device.

What's next?

Power On the Device