Enabling Oozie HA
You can enable Oozie HA with Big Data Service HA clusters.
A single Oozie server is available on the un0 node in an HA cluster by default. More Oozie servers can be added in a Big Data Service HA cluster. Oozie HA is supported in clusters with ODH versions 2.0.10+ and 1.1.14+ and it requires a load balancer be added in the cluster. Complete the following to enable high availability setup for Oozie server:
Add Oozie server through Ambari:
- Access Apache Ambari.
- From the side toolbar, under Services click Oozie.
- From the actions menu, click Add Oozie Server.
- In the Confirmation window, select the host on which the Oozie server must be added, and then click Confirm Add.
- After the Oozie server is installed, the server should be installed on a selected host.
- To start the Oozie server, click Start from the actions menu. Wait for the Oozie server to be started.
- Configure Load Balancer and put all instances of Oozie Server behind this load balancer. For more information, see Connecting to Services on a Cluster Using Load Balancer.
After you have configured the load balancer for the Oozie server, update the base URL in the Oozie configs in Ambari.
- Access Apache Ambari.
- From the side toolbar, under Services click Oozie.
- Click Configs.
- On the Advanced tab, search for oozie.base.url in the search bar under the actions menu.
- Update oozie.base.url with the load balancer URL.
- Click Save.
- Add a save message in the Save Configuration window, and then click Save.
- Click Restart All from Oozie actions menu and wait for Ambari action to be finished.
- You can now use this load balancer for checking Oozie Web UI and submitting and monitoring Oozie workflows.