Schema Registry HA

You can integrate Schema Registry HA with Big Data Service HA clusters.

Integrating Schema Registry HA with Apache Kafka
For more information on creating a load balancer, see Creating a Load Balancer, and complete the following details.

For more information creating backend sets, see Creating a Load Balancer Backend Set.

Complete these steps for all Registry Admin hosts (UN1 or MN1 host IP where other registry instances are running).


To create a public load balancer, complete the same steps, except set the visibility type to Public.

  1. Set up the load balancer:
    Field Description
    Add Details
    Load Balancer Name Enter a name to identify the load balancer. For example, Registry-LoadBalancer.
    Choose Visibility Type Select Private
    Subnet in <Compartment> Select the compartment used by the subnet.
    Choose Backends
    Specify a Load Balancing Policy Select Weighted Round Robin.
    Specify Health Check Policy
    Port Enter 9093.
    URL Path (URI) Enter /swagger.
    Show advanced options
    Backend Set Name Enter a name for the backend set. For example, .
    Session Persistence tab
    Enable application cookie resistance Select this.Registry-Backends
    Cookie Name Enter *.
    Configure Listener
    Listener Name Enter a name for the listener. For example: Registry-HA-Listener.
    Specify the type of traffic your listener handles Select HTTP.
    Specify the port your listener monitors for ingress traffic Enter 9093.
    Manage Logging
    Error Logs Enable.
    Access Logs Enable.
  2. Setup the backend set by selecting the backend set you previously set up:
    Field Description
    Add backends
    IP addresses Select this.
    IP address Enter the UN0 customer subnet IP.
    Port Enter 9093.