Integrating with Data Catalog External Hive Metastore

Data Catalog provides a highly available and scalable metastore for Hive implementations.


You must already have:

  • Created a Big Data Service cluster with version 3.0.3 or later. The Big Data Service Version is displayed on the Cluster Information tab of the cluster details page.
  • Created a Data Catalog metastore and retrieved the OCID for the metastore.
  • Configured the OCI HDFS Connector for Object Storage.
  • Generated an API key and downloaded the private key.
  • Copied the private key to all the nodes in the Big Data Service cluster.

Validate the Cluster

You can sign-in to the Big Data Service cluster and test Spark using spark-shell, spark-sql, spark-submit, or spark-beeline client frameworks to run Spark jobs. Use the following examples to validate the cluster.

Examples for Managed Table

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS managed_db LOCATION 'oci://bucket-name@tenancy-name-of-bucket/path/to/managed/table/directory'
USE managed_db
create table IF NOT EXISTS myINTtable_metastorecert (id int, name string) partitioned by (part int, part2 int)
insert into myINTtable_metastorecert partition(part=1, part2=1) values (3, "SK")
show partitions myINTtable_metastorecert
msck repair table myINTtable_metastorecert
show tables
show databases

Examples for External Table

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS external_db LOCATION 'oci://bucket-name@tenancy-name-of-bucket/path/to/external/table/directory'
USE external_db
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE external_test(a string) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|'location 'oci://bucket-name@tenancy-name-of-bucket/path/to/external/table/directory'
select * from external_test
select count(*) from external_test