Monitoring and Alerts

Host level log file size is monitored in Big Data Service cluster nodes and alerts are reported in the Ambari UI if the log folders consolidated size grows beyond the thresholds. To avoid increasing block volume size with log files and heap dumps, monitor the alarms and clean up unwanted logs if the logs increase beyond the thresholds.

Customizing Monitoring and Alerts

You can customize Big Data Service log monitoring and alerts.

If service specific log directories are manually changed to a different directory, we recommend you update the monitor log path value so that it's also included in the size calculations.

  1. Access Apache Ambari.
  2. From the side toolbar, under Services click ODH Utilities.
  3. Click the Configs tab, and then select LOG SIZE CONFIG.
  4. Update required configurations values.
    Configuration Default Details
    Log Directory to Monitor /var/log,/bdslogs Comma separated list of directories to monitor folder size cumulatively
    Log Directory Warning Threshold Size 30 GB The maximum size threshold for log directories before a warning alert is raised
    Log Directory Critical Threshold Size 50 GB The maximum size threshold for log directories before a critical alert is raised
    Monitoring and alert configuration
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click the Services '...' icon, and then click Restart all required.