Manually Replacing Cluster Nodes

Manually replace nodes Big Data Service for cluster master, utility, and Edge nodes from the Node details page.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics & AI. Under Data Lake, click Big Data Service.
    2. Under Compartment, select the compartment that contains the cluster.
    3. In the list of clusters, click the name of the cluster.
    4. On the Cluster details page, click More Actions, and then select Replace node.
    5. Select the Node host name.
    6. Select the Node backup.
    7. Select the node shape in the Choose node shape field.
    8. Enter the Cluster admin password.
    9. Click Replace.

      If you replace an active Ambari node (un0), the Ambari node is moved to a standby node (UN1).

    10. After node replacement is successful, sign in to Ambari and verify the health of services. Then, restart the services that are flagged for stale configuration.
  • Use the replace-node command and required parameters to manually replace cluster nodes.

    oci bds instance replace-node [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference for Big Data.

  • Use the ReplaceNode operation to manually replace nodes in a cluster.