Deploying a Resource Manager Stack for a Migration Plan

Deploy an RMS that applies the stack on the migration plan to create VM instances.

  1. Open the navigation menu  and select Migration & Disaster Recovery. Under Cloud Migrations, select Migrations.
  2. On the Migrations page, select the active migration project that includes the migration plan for which you want to deploy RMS.
  3. On the Migration project details page, in the Migration plans section, select the active migration plan for which you want to deploy RMS.
  4. On the Migration plan details page, click Deploy RMS stack.
  5. Navigate to the Migration plan details page and you can view the resources or instances that are created under Created resources.
  6. To view an instance in OCI, under Created resources, click an instance.
On the Migration plan details page, under Resources, click Created resources. You can view the resources or instances that are created. To view an instance in OCI, click an instance. You're redirected to the Instance page that displays all information about the replicated VM. Under Boot volume, you can see that the boot volume is the same as it appears for replicated volumes.