Editing a Dataset

Follow these steps to edit a dataset in Data Labeling.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Analytics and AI. Under Machine Learning, click Data Labeling.
    2. Click Datasets.
    3. Click the name of the dataset you want to edit.
    4. On the Dataset Details page, click Edit.
    5. On the Edit Dataset page, update the name, description, or labeling instructions.
      All the fields in Object Storage location are read-only.
    6. In Selected files you can add new files by dragging and dropping them on the area, or by clicking select files to select them from your file manager.

      You can load no more than 100 local files at a time in the Console. The number of files selected is displayed. To load more files at a time, either load them into Object Storage before creating the dataset, or use the CLI or SDK.

      If the dataset contains CSV files, any CSV files added are parsed as for the files already in the dataset.
    7. Click Save changes.
      If you added files, record generation starts automatically when you click Save changes.
  • Use the dataset update command and required parameters to edit a dataset:
    oci data-labeling-service dataset update [OPTIONS]
    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
  • Run the UpdateDataset operation to edit a dataset in Data Labeling.