Listing Targets

List target resources associated with a fleet in Fleet Application Management.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Fleet Application Management, click Fleets.
    2. From the list of fleets, click the name of the fleet you want.

      To find a fleet by name, enter its name in the Search field.
    3. To view targets associated with a fleet, click Targets under Resources (on the left side of the page).
      To find a target, enter the parent resource in the Search field. All targets associated with the fleet corresponding to the parent resource appear under Targets.
  • Use the oci fleet-apps-management fleet-target-collection list-fleet-targets command and required parameters to list the targets in a fleet:

    oci fleet-apps-management fleet-target-collection list-fleet-targets [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for Fleet Application Management CLI commands, see the CLI for Fleet Application Management.

  • Run the ListFleetTargets operation to list the targets in a fleet.