Creating an Artifact

Learn how to create an artifact for your updated image or stack.

The topic includes the following tasks:

Creating an Artifact for Image Listing

If you're a partner who is approved for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure product, then you can create artifacts.

If you're creating an artifact for an image listing, ensure that you have uploaded the image to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure before creating the artifact. See Using Partner Portal for OCI Image Listing.

For information regarding the size requirements of a custom image, see the Limitations and Considerations section.

To create an artifact for an image listing, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Partner Portal.
  2. Click Artifacts.The Artifacts page displays information such as artifact name and other details related to the artifacts.
  3. Click Create Artifact.
  4. In the Artifact Type drop-down list, select OCI Compute Image.
  5. In the Artifact Name field, enter a name for the artifact. Ensure that the length of the name is less than 200 characters.
  6. Optional. Select the Allow Snapshot check box to allow your customers to take a snapshot of their instance. This enables your customers to use your listing to launch an instance, customize the instance, and then take a snapshot of the instance. Customers can then use this snapshot to replicate their customized environment.
  7. Click Search Icon next to the Image OCID field to select an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Image from your tenancy. The OCI Compute Images dialog box appears.
    1. Select an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy, region, and compartment.

      Images, which match your selection, are displayed with details such as image name, source image OCID, and created date.

    2. Identify an OCI Compute Image from the list, and then click Select to load the selected artifact.

      In the Create Artifact page, the compartment OCID and compatible shapes are displayed for the OCI Compute Image that you have selected.

  8. In the Compatible Shapes section, select all the shapes that you want to provide as an option to your customers.

    For flexible shapes, you can customize the number of OCPUs and the amount of memory when launching or resizing your VM. For more information, see Compute Shapes in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation.


    All the shapes that you select must meet the required image guidelines. Based on their business requirements, your customers can select a shape to launch their instance. When your customers use your listing, they can launch instances using any of the shapes that you have selected provided the selected shapes are available in their tenancy.
  9. In the User Name field, enter the user name that you’ll use to access the instance. The user name that you provide is used to validate the artifact. Ensure that the user name you provide has root access to the image, otherwise artifact validations may fail. If you do not enter a user name, it defaults to opc for an Oracle Linux image or ubuntu for an Ubuntu image. For other types of images, you must enter a user name as there are no default values for these images. The user name is limited to 32 characters and can contain only alphanumeric characters.
  10. Review the mandatory image guidelines specified at Guidelines for Images, and then select the I have reviewed and applied all the mandatory image guidelines check box.
  11. Click Create.

The Compute Image in your tenancy is launched, validated against the Guidelines for Images, and scanned for malware. This process could take up to six hours to complete. In general, the average time taken for this process is around one hour. During this time, the status of the artifact is In Progress. If there are no validation errors, the status of the artifact changes to Available.

If there are any validation errors, the status of the artifact changes to Unavailable. To view the validation errors, see Viewing Artifact Details.

Next, create an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure application listing. See, Creating a Listing

Ensure that your listing complies with the general guidelines for listings. See, Guidelines for Images.

Creating an Artifact for Stack Listing

If you're a partner who is approved for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure product, then you can create artifacts.

If you're creating an artifact for a stack listing, then ensure that the Terraform configuration file is available and it is ready to be uploaded. Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites and your Terraform configuration file complies with the guidelines. See How do I Publish an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Stack?

To create an artifact for a stack listing, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Partner Portal.
  2. Click Artifacts Icon. The Artifacts page displays information such as artifact name and other details related to the artifacts. The page also displays options to create, edit, and delete an artifact.
  3. Click Create Artifact.
  4. In the Artifact Type drop-down list, select Terraform Template.
  5. In the Artifact Name field, enter a name for the artifact. Ensure that the length of the name is less than 200 characters.
  6. In the File field, click to select a file. The supported file type is zip.
  7. Review the mandatory stack guidelines specified at Guidelines for Stacks, and then select the I have reviewed and applied all the mandatory stack guidelines check box.
  8. Click Create.

After the Terraform template is successfully uploaded, create a listing. See, Creating a Listing.

Ensure that your listing complies with the general guidelines for listings and the guidelines for application listings. See, Guidelines for Listings.