Configure a Vanity URL using the Console

You can use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console to configure a vanity URL for your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance.

  1. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Navigation menu icon in the top left corner.
  2. Click Analytics & AI. Under Analytics, click Analytics Cloud.
  3. Select the compartment that contains the Oracle Analytics Cloud instance you're looking for.
  4. Click the name of the instance you want to configure a vanity URL for.
  5. On the Instance Details page, locate Vanity URL and click Create.
    Create vanity URL
  6. For Hostname, enter the fully qualified, custom domain name that you want to appear in the URL.

    For example, enter

    A preview of the HTTPS URL is displayed. For example:

  7. Specify the digital X.509 (public key) certificate for your vanity domain.
    • Upload a valid certificate file in PEM format (.pem .cer .cn).
    • Paste the valid X.509 certificate text.
  8. Enter the private key for this certificate.
    • Upload the private key file (.pem).
    • Paste the private key text.
  9. Optional: In Private Key Passphrase, enter the password for the private key.
  10. Optional: If your certificate requires a certificate authority chain:
    1. Select Custom Certificate Authority Chain.
    2. Enter the authority chain.
      • Upload the certificate authority chain file (.pem .cer .cn).
      • Paste the authority chain text.
  11. Click Create.
    You'll know when the vanity URL is ready to use because the URL becomes a live link in the Access Information section.

    Shows vanity URL link

  12. Click the link or enter the vanity URL in a browser to test you can access Oracle Analytics Cloud.