Edit Network Details for a Private Access Channel using the Console

If you deployed your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance with a public endpoint, you can change the VCN, subnet and network security groups on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure that Oracle Analytics Cloud uses to access private sources.

When you deploy Oracle Analytics Cloud with a private endpoint, the private access channel uses the same VCN, subnet, and network security groups you configured for the private endpoint. To edit network settings for both the private endpoint and private network channel, see Change the VCN or Subnet Used to Access a Private Endpoint.


Changing the VCN or subnet impacts any private data sources that you configured for this private access channel. You must ensure that the new network configuration provides a network route to these sources.
  1. In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, click Navigation menu icon in the top left corner.
  2. Click Analytics & AI. Under Analytics, click Analytics Cloud.
  3. Select the compartment that contains the Oracle Analytics Cloud instance you're looking for.
  4. Click the name of the instance you want to configure private data sources for.
  5. On the Instance Details page, navigate to the Resources section, and click Private Access Channel.
  6. Click the name of the private access channel you want to edit.
  7. Click Edit Configuration to change the VCN or subnet the private channel uses.
    Edit Private Sources
  8. Select the new Virtual Cloud Network or Subnet that you want Oracle Analytics Cloud to use to access private sources.

    The private access channel and all the private sources that are associated with it inherit these changes.

    You can select a VCN and subnet if your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance has a public endpoint. If you set up your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance for private access, the private access channel automatically uses the same VCN and subnet as the private endpoint.

    Click Change Compartment to select resources from a different compartment. If you can't see the VCN or subnet you want, check you have the required permissions.

  9. If you want to restrict traffic on the private channel, click Another Network Security Group.
    if your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance has a public endpoint, you can select one or more network security groups available in the same compartment as the VCN.
    If your Oracle Analytics Cloud instance has a private endpoint, the private access channel automatically uses the same network security groups as the private endpoint.
  10. Click Save Changes.

    You can monitor the progress of Edit Private Access Channel operations in the activity log. In the unlikely event an edit operation fails, Oracle recommends that you delete the private access channel and recreate it. See Monitor Status .

    On the Analytics Instances page, the status changes to Active when the configuration is complete. Some users might experience a temporary disruption in service during the configuration process.

  11. Test that you can access the resources from Oracle Analytics Cloud.
    Sign-in to Oracle Analytics Cloud, connect to one of the private data sources that you listed, and verify you have access.