How Upgrade Affects File Server

Upgrading from Oracle Integration Generation 2 to Oracle Integration 3 affects File Server in the following ways.

New IP and Port Values

After the upgrade, Oracle assigns new IP and port values for the File Server SFTP server. The Oracle Integration Generation 2 IP and port values remain valid for SFTP runtime traffic for four months after the upgrade.

Although your integrations and SFTP clients can continue accessing File Server using the Oracle Integration Generation 2 IP and port values for the four-month window, Oracle recommends that you update IP and port value references within one week after upgrade. Otherwise you risk forgetting to update the values and then experiencing issues when Oracle retires the IP and port values.

You'll need to make the following updates as described in Complete Post-Upgrade Tasks.

  • Update your integrations and SFTP clients to use the new IP and port values.
  • Add the new IP address to your internal firewall allowlist.

Access File Server with URL and Credentials

In Oracle Integration Generation 2 you accessed the File Server folder using the IP port and credentials. After the upgrade, in Oracle Integration 3, you can access it using the File Server URL and credentials.

No Change to File Server REST APIs

After the upgrade, access the File Server REST APIs the same way you did in Oracle Integration Generation 2.

File Server Migration

Oracle migrates your File Server files, folder structure, and allowlists (permissions) from Oracle Integration Generation 2 to Oracle Integration 3 for you.


In Oracle Integration Generation 2 you had to submit a service request (SR) to request changes to your File Server allowlists. In Oracle Integration 3, you can update the allowlist yourself. For information on managing your allowlists for File Server after migration, see Restrict Access to an Instance Using the Self-Service Allowlist.

Legacy FTP Exchange Algorithms Updated During Upgrade

There are several legacy exchange algorithms that FTP no longer supports. During upgrade, FTP connections will be updated with the current algorithms. For example:

  • diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 will be replaced with diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  • diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 will be replaced with diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256"