Troubleshoot Upgrade Issues

Get help troubleshooting issues that might occur after the upgrade.

Connection errors

If you don't add the new IP addresses to your allowlists, issues occur after the upgrade. For example, If you don't add the new ingress IP address, errors occur in your applications.

If you experience other issues, enter a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support.

Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance is visible

Your stopped Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance appears in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console for a period of time after the upgrade. Do not update, start, or delete this instance. Oracle removes it on your behalf when it is no longer needed.

Go back to your Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance

After the upgrade finishes, if you want to go back to using your Oracle Integration Generation 2, you must submit a service request (SR) through My Oracle Support.

Do not delete your new Oracle Integration 3 instance, and do not start your Oracle Integration Generation 2 instance on your own.


  • Only Production instances can be rolled back.
  • You must submit your SR requesting roll-back within three business days of upgrade completion.
  • Your SR must include a reason that impacts your business.
  • It can take up to one hour to roll back an instance.

FTP Adapter connection fails after upgrade

If you configured the FTP Adapter to communicate with an SFTP server through the connectivity agent and selected the diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 algorithm for the SFTP Key Exchange Algorithm, the integration that uses the FTP Adapter connection fails after the upgrade.

Update the connection, and on the Connections page, choose a different algorithm for SFTP Key Exchange Algorithm.

401 error when using the REST API

In Oracle Integration Generation 2, you could use Basic Authentication to use the Oracle Integration REST API and File Server REST API. In Oracle Integration 3, you must use OAuth. You need to update any clients, scripts, integrations, and commands that use the Oracle Integration REST API or the File Server REST API to connect using OAuth. For more information on authentication method support, see When is Basic Auth Supported in Oracle Integration 3. For details on using OAuth with the REST APIs, see Security, Authentication, and Authorization.

Connectivity agent upgrade fails

If the connectivity agent fails to upgrade, you can roll back the upgrade.

To roll back the connectivity agent upgrade from Oracle Integration 3 to Oracle Integration Generation 2:

  1. Log on to your connectivity agent on-premises host.
  2. Stop the connectivity agent.
  3. Make a note of the previous connectivity agent version listed in agenthome/backups/.
  4. Run each of the following commands to overwrite the current version binaries with those of the previous version. Replace previous_version in the commands with the actual version you noted in the previous step.
    cp agenthome/backups/previous_version/ agenthome/agent/config/
    cp agenthome/backups/previous_version/agentstore.caks.old agenthome/agent/cert/agentstore.caks
    cp agenthome/backups/previous_version/InstallerProfile.cfg.old InstallerProfile.cfg
    cp agenthome/backups/previous_version/connectivityagent.jar.old connectivityagent.jar
    cp agenthome/backups/previous_version/version.old agenthome/version
    rm agenthome/lib/*
    cp agenthome/backups/previous_version/lib.old/* agenthome/lib/
  5. Start the connectivity agent.