Perform Dashboard Prerequisite Tasks

Here’s the typical workflow of the tasks that must be performed before you use dashboards in Application Performance Monitoring:

Task More Information

To use Oracle-defined dashboards: Obtain the required Application Performance Monitoring and Monitoring service permissions.

To create custom dashboards: In addition to the Application Performance Monitoring and Monitoring service permissions, you must obtain the Management Dashboard permissions required to create a dashboard.

See Create Policies.

See Get Started with Management Dashboard in the Management Dashboard service documentation.

Common prerequisite task to use Oracle-defined dashboards and create custom dashboards

Create an APM domain.

See Create an APM Domain

Common prerequisite task to use Oracle-defined dashboards and create custom dashboards

Install and configure various Application Performance Monitoring data sources to populate data in the Oracle-defined and custom dashboards.

For example, to populate data in the Oracle-defined dashboards on the Application Performance Monitoring Home page, you must install and configure the following data sources:

  • App Server and Real User Monitoring dashboards: Install and configure the data sources that gather and upload application server and web application data to Application Performance Monitoring for monitoring.
  • Monitors dashboard: Create a monitor in Availability Monitoring.
  • Alarms widget on the Home page: Create an alarm to be notified when an Application Performance Monitoring metric breaches the specified threshold.