Viewing Reports for a Compartment

View a compartment-level summary of instances that are up-to-date on security vulnerability patches and bug fixes and their check-in status with Autonomous Linux.

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Observability & Management. Under Autonomous Linux, select Reports.
    2. Under List scope, choose a compartment that contains the instances you're interested in.
    3. Review the available reports. Select a tile to get more details.
      • Security updates report: Displays the number and percentage of instances that are up-to-date on security patches.
      • Bug updates reports: Displays the number and percentage of instances that are up-to-date on bug patches.
      • Instance activity reports: Displays the number and percentage of instances that are checking in with the Autonomous Linux service.

        The following status values apply to instances checking in with the Autonomous Linux service:
        • Active: An instance that's actively checking in with the service. An active instance checks in with the service at an interval of every 2 minutes.
        • Offline: An instance that hasn't checked in with the service for 24 hours (or longer).
        • Inactive: An instance that hasn't checked in with the service in 30 minutes (or longer).
        • Rebooting: An instance that's in the process of rebooting.
        • Registering: An instance that's in the process of registering with the service.
        • Registration failed: An instance that failed to register with the service.
        • Unregistering: An instance that's unregistering from the service. Once unregistered, Autonomous Linux will no longer manage the instance.
  • Use the oci os-management-hub managed-instance summarize-analytics command and required parameters to return metrics for a compartment of managed instances.

    oci os-management-hub managed-instance summarize-analytics --compartment-id ocid --metric-names metric-type [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the SummarizeManagedInstanceAnalytics operation to return metrics for a collection of managed instances.