Editing a Customer-Provided Managed List
For managed lists that have Customer as the provider, you can edit tags, move the list to another compartment, or edit list entries.
If the entry in the Feed provider column for the managed list on the Managed lists page is Oracle, you can't edit the list.
If the entry in the Feed provider column for the managed list on the Managed lists page is Oracle, you can't edit the list.
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Use the oci cloud-guard managed-list update command and required parameters to update a managed list:
oci cloud-guard managed-list update --managed-list-id managed_list_ocid [OPTIONS]
Use the oci cloud-guard managed-list change-compartment command and required parameters to move a managed list to a different compartment:
oci cloud-guard managed-list change-compartment --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> --managed-list-id <managed_list_ocid> [OPTIONS]
Use the UpdateManagedList operation to update a managed list.
Use the ChangeManagedList Compartment operation move a managed list to a different compartment.