Resolving a Problem
After you decide how to handle a particular problem detected by Cloud Guard, you can implement a resolution, mark the problem as resolved, and dismiss it.
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Use the oci cloud-guard problem trigger-responder command and required parameters to push a problem to a responder:
oci cloud-guard problem trigger-responder --problem-id <problem_ocid> --responder-rule-id <responder_rule_id> [OPTIONS]
Use the oci cloud-guard problem update-bulk-problem-status command and required parameters to perform a bulk status update on a list of problems:
oci cloud-guard problem update-bulk-problem-status --problem-ids <problem_ocid_list> --status <action_taken> [OPTIONS]
Use the oci cloud-guard problem update-problem-status command and required parameters to update the status of a single problem:
oci cloud-guard problem update-problem-status --problem-id <problem_ocid> --status <action_taken> [OPTIONS]
Responder Executions
Use the oci cloud-guard responder-execution skip-bulk command and required parameters to skip execution for a list of responder executions:
oci cloud-guard responder-execution skip-bulk --responder-execution-ids <responder_execution_id_list> [OPTIONS]
Use the oci cloud-guard responder-execution skip command and required parameters to skip execution for a single responder execution:
oci cloud-guard responder-execution c --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> --responder-execution-id <responder_execution_identifier> [OPTIONS]
For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
Run the TriggerResponder operation to push a problem to a responder.
Run the UpdateBulkProblemStatus operation to perform a bulk status update on a list of problems.
Run the UpdateProblemStatus operation to update the status of a single problem.
Responder Executions
Run the SkipBulkResponderExecution operation to skip execution for a list of responder executions.
Run the SkipResponderExecution operation to skip execution for a single responder execution.