Data Integration Tutorials
This set of tutorials guides you through a specific use case to get you started with the Data Integration service quickly and easily.
Be sure to read the Before You Begin sections in each tutorial so that you have everything you need to complete them successfully.
Connect to Data Integration: Create policies and a workspace.
Import Sample Data: Download sample data to use in the tutorials.
- Connect to Data Sources: Create data assets for source and target data sources.
- Ingest and Transform Data Using a Data Flow: Create a data flow, add a source and a target operator, and perform filter and join transformations.
- Create an Integration Task to Configure and Run a Data Flow: Create an integration task and an Application, then publish and run the task.
- Load Data into Autonomous Data Warehouse Using a Data Loader Task: Create a data loader task, then publish and run the task.
- Use a Pipeline: Create a pipeline to orchestrate parallel data loader tasks, an integration task, and a REST task. Then create, publish, and run a pipeline task.