Listing Applications

Applications in Data Integration are organized in a workspace by compartment.

    1. On the workspace home page, click Applications.
    2. On the Applications page, select the compartment.

      By default, the applications list in a compartment is sorted by date in descending order.

      In the applications list, the Actions menu (Actions menu) next to each application has these options:

      • View details: Lets you view the application details page and the runtime objects created in the application such as published tasks and runs.
      • Edit: Lets you edit the name and description for the application.
      • Copy OCID: Copies the OCID of the application to the clipboard. You can use the OCID with Data Integration API
      • Copy application key: Copies the key of the application to the clipboard. You can use the key with Data Integration API.
      • Delete: Lets you delete the application.
    3. To sort the applications list by date or name, perform the following actions:
      • Click the arrow icon on the Updated column header to sort in ascending or descending order.
      • Click the Name column header to sort in ascending or descending order.
    4. To find an application, enter the full name of the application in the Filter by name field and press Enter.
    5. Use the Favorite filter menu to list only those applications that are marked as favorite. Click Clear to remove the filter.
  • Use the oci data-integration dis-application list command and required parameters to retrieve the applications in a compartment:

    oci data-integration dis-application list [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the ListDisApplications operation to retrieve the applications in a compartment.