Duplicating a Pipeline

Create a pipeline in a project or folder in Data Integration by duplicating an existing one. When you duplicate a pipeline, the copy of the pipeline is created in the same project or folder.

  1. Open the project or folder that contains the pipeline that you want to duplicate.

    For the steps to open the details page of a project or folder, see Viewing the Details of a Project or Viewing the Details of a Folder.

  2. On the project or folder details page, click Pipelines.
  3. In the list of pipelines, select Duplicate from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the pipeline.
  4. In the Duplicate pipeline dialog box, enter a name or use the default name.

    The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name. You can change the identifier value, but after you create the duplicate pipeline, you can't update the identifier.

  5. Click Duplicate.
    You can move the duplicated pipeline to another project or folder, if needed. See Moving a Pipeline.