Editing a Data Loader Task

Edit a data loader task in a project or folder in Data Integration.

    1. Open the project or folder that contains the task that you want to edit.

      For the steps to open the details page of a project or folder, see Viewing the Details of a Project or Viewing the Details of a Folder.

    2. On the project or folder details page, click Tasks.
    3. In the tasks list, select View details from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the task.
    4. On the Data Loader: <task name> page, edit the configuration details in the steps.

      Note the following:

      • To move between steps, click Next or Previous. You can also navigate directly to a step by clicking the step icon.

      • For descriptions of all steps and fields, see Creating a Data Loader Task.

    5. Save periodically while you work by clicking one of the following buttons:
      • Save: Commits changes since the last save. You can continue editing after saving.
      • Save and close: Commits changes and closes the page. You're returned to the tasks list on the project or folder details tasks page.
    6. When you finish editing the task, click Save and close.
  • Use the oci data-integration task update-data-loader-task command and required parameters to update a data loader task:

    oci data-integration task update-data-loader-task [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the UpdateTask operation with the appropriate resource subtype to update a data loader task.