Viewing the OCI Data Flow Publish History for a Task

The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow publish history panel shows the current status of a task publish and the history of publishing the task from the Data Integration service to the Data Flow service.

    1. On the workspace home page, click Projects.
    2. Open the project or folder in which the task is saved.
    3. On the project or folder details page, click Tasks.
    4. In the tasks list, select View OCI Data Flow publish history from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the task that you want to view.

      The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Flow publish history panel appears showing the history of publishes in a table. The history table is empty if the task has never been published to OCI Data Flow.

      In the history table, you can do a full text search by entering the application name in the Filter by name field.

      Each publish has the following details:

      • Application name: The application name provided in the initial publish to the Data Flow service. If the application name is later changed in Data Flow, the new name is not reflected in this table.
      • Status: Status of the publish.
        • Publishing: Indicates that publishing is in progress. Click Refresh periodically to get the latest status.
        • Successful: Indicates that the publish completed successfully with no errors.
        • Failed: Indicates that the publish could not be completed. Open the tip next to the status for more information.
      • Initiated by: The initiator of the publish.
      • Updated: The last time the publish was updated.

      The Actions menu (Actions menu) of a publish has these options:

      • View in OCI Data Flow: Navigates to the associated application in OCI Data Flow.
      • Republish: Republishes the task to the same application in OCI Data Flow.

      The options in the Actions menu (Actions menu) of a publish are not available when the application that's associated with that publish has been deleted in OCI Data Flow.

    5. If needed, click Refresh to get the latest status.
  • Use the oci data-integration external-application list command and required parameters to retrieve a list of external publications for a task:

    oci data-integration external-application list [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the ListExternalPublications operation to retrieve a list of external publications for a task.