Troubleshoot GPU usage.

Service Limits Exceeded

When using GPUs you get an error that service limits are exceeded.

The error is:
The following service limits were exceeded: ds-gpu-a10-count. Request a service limit increase from the service limits page in the console.
Ensure enough limit exists for the shape being used.

Out of Host Capacity

When using a GPU shape, you get an error about host capacity.

The error is:
Out of host capacity

Even if you have limits for the shape in the tenancy, if the shape has no availability, the service returns the error.

  1. Try in another region. The limit is region-specific so ensure you have limit for that shape in the new region.
  2. Request a GPU reservation. For more information, see, Using Reserved GPU Capacity.

    In some regions, the A10 shape is available without reservation. A100s, H100s, and L40S shapes are often only available through reservations with Compute.