Creating Default NFS Client Export Option for File System
You can add the IP addresses from the standby region and those are copied over during the switchover of the file system to the other region.
While Full Stack DR does the file system switchover, it copies the source export option from primary to standby. Hence, the following use-cases are available:
- Open for all by configuring CIDR range
- Specific CIDR range for standby subnet and primary subnet to handle mount
- Specific IP address for standby subnet and primary subnet
So, you can add the NFS export options for both the regions. This allows Full Stack DR to mount the file system on any new IP address of the compute instance in the standby region.
Ensure that the pre-requisites for mounting the configuration of export option are correct in the primary region so that Full Stack DR can handle mounting in the standby region as well.
Ensure that the pre-requisites for mounting the configuration of export option are correct in the primary region so that Full Stack DR can handle mounting in the standby region as well.
Parent topic: Prerequisites for Full Stack Disaster Recovery