
Release Notes:

Notable Changes

The following changes are notable in this image update:

  • Updates for bug fixes and security patches.

Note that changes to infrastructure such that images depend on can occur outside of the release of a particular image but could impact an image nonetheless. For information about changes that are specific to Oracle Linux images but which occur outside of the image release schedule, see General Notices for Oracle Linux Images.

See also Oracle Autonomous Linux Image Documentation.

For more information on Oracle Linux 7.9, see

Licensing Information

License files for this image are located in /usr/share/licenses.

Software Errata

Oracle releases important changes to the Oracle Linux software as individual package updates, known as errata. For more information, see Software Errata

For a consolidated list of the various features, tools and documentation relating to security and Oracle Linux, see Oracle Linux Security. To be notified when new errata packages are released, you can subscribe to the Oracle Linux errata mailing lists at

Package Updates

The following package updates have been made in this image release.

New packages:

  • hunspell-1.3.2-16.el7
  • hunspell-en-US-0.20121024-6.el7
  • usb_modeswitch-data-20170806-1.el7
  • oraclelinux-release-el7-1.0-17.el7
  • python36-netaddr-0.7.18-3.el7
  • python36-dateutil-2.7.5-1.0.1.el7
  • pcp-system-tools-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • pcp-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • sgpio-
  • llvm-private-7.0.1-1.el7
  • python36-certifi-2018.10.15-5.el7
  • python-urllib3-1.10.2-7.el7
  • sysvinit-tools-2.88-14.dsf.el7
  • lua-5.1.4-15.el7
  • postfix-2.10.1-9.el7
  • abrt-addon-vmcore-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • yum-plugin-ulninfo-0.2-13.el7
  • python-setuptools-0.9.8-7.el7
  • libreport-web-2.1.11-53.0.1.el7
  • pyserial-2.6-6.el7
  • grub2-2.02-
  • abrt-dbus-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • oraclelinux-developer-release-el7-1.0-6.el7
  • python3-jmespath-0.10.0-1.el7
  • lz4-1.8.3-1.el7
  • oracle-softwarecollection-release-el7-1.0-4.el7
  • python36-arrow-1.1.1-1.el7
  • python-prettytable-0.7.2-3.el7
  • pcp-pmda-nfsclient-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • mozjs17-17.0.0-20.el7
  • m2crypto-0.21.1-17.el7
  • python-markupsafe-0.11-10.el7
  • python-configobj-4.7.2-7.el7
  • abrt-addon-python-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • libsemanage-python-2.5-14.el7
  • yum-metadata-parser-1.1.4-10.el7
  • python-magic-5.11-37.el7
  • abrt-addon-kerneloops-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • GeoIP-1.5.0-14.el7
  • pcp-oracle-conf-1-5.0.6.el7
  • python36-cffi-1.9.1-3.el7
  • python3-3.6.8-19.0.1.el7_9
  • langtable-data-0.0.31-4.el7
  • python-enum34-1.0.4-1.el7
  • python36-oci-cli-3.23.2-1.el7
  • python36-typing-extensions-
  • python3-prompt-toolkit-3.0.29-1.0.2.el7
  • python-iniparse-0.4-9.el7
  • python-decorator-3.4.0-3.el7
  • crda-3.18_2018.05.31-4.el7
  • yum-rhn-plugin-2.0.1-10.0.1.el7
  • python-augeas-0.5.0-2.el7
  • python-bcc-0.10.0-1.0.1.el7
  • setserial-2.17-33.el7
  • python2-pyasn1-0.1.9-7.el7
  • python-slip-dbus-0.4.0-4.el7
  • pkgconfig-0.27.1-4.el7
  • mailx-12.5-19.el7
  • python-linux-procfs-0.4.11-4.el7
  • iwl3945-firmware-
  • pyliblzma-0.5.3-11.el7
  • python2-cffi-1.9.1-1.el7
  • python-six-1.9.0-2.el7
  • ntpdate-4.2.6p5-29.0.5.el7_8.2
  • abrt-addon-ccpp-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • soscleaner-0.2.2-7.el7
  • ustr-1.0.4-16.el7
  • python-slip-0.4.0-4.el7
  • python-pycurl-7.19.0-19.el7
  • libreport-plugin-mailx-2.1.11-53.0.1.el7
  • elfutils-0.176-5.el7
  • newt-python-0.52.15-4.el7
  • python-jsonpatch-1.2-4.el7
  • redhat-indexhtml-7-13.0.1.el7
  • pth-2.0.7-23.el7
  • python2-pyyaml-5.3.1-1.el7
  • python36-terminaltables-3.1.0-1.0.1.el7
  • libjq1-1.5-1.0.1.el7
  • pygobject2-2.28.6-11.el7
  • python-urlgrabber-3.10-10.el7
  • abrt-python-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • libdtrace-ctf-1.1.0-2.el7
  • python-backports-1.0-8.el7
  • systemd-python-219-78.0.10.el7_9.7
  • python-backports-ssl_match_hostname-
  • bcc-tools-0.10.0-1.0.1.el7
  • traceroute-2.0.22-2.el7
  • abrt-cli-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • libreport-cli-2.1.11-53.0.1.el7
  • pcp-libs-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • iwl4965-firmware-
  • python-perf-3.10.0-1160.
  • python-schedutils-0.4-6.el7
  • mariadb-libs-5.5.68-1.el7
  • libselinux-python-2.5-15.el7
  • setuptool-1.19.11-8.el7
  • python-libs-2.7.5-93.0.1.el7_9
  • pcp-pmda-dm-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • python36-ply-3.9-2.0.1.el7
  • libgudev1-219-78.0.10.el7_9.7
  • libdwarf-20130207-4.el7
  • yum-langpacks-0.4.2-7.el7
  • dmraid-events-1.0.0.rc16-28.el7
  • pcp-conf-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • python-dmidecode-3.12.2-4.el7
  • ebtables-2.0.10-16.el7
  • rfkill-0.4-10.el7
  • policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.0.1.el7
  • pyxattr-0.5.1-5.el7
  • tcp_wrappers-7.6-77.el7
  • libidn-1.28-4.el7
  • dmraid-1.0.0.rc16-28.el7
  • python-jsonpointer-1.9-2.el7
  • abrt-tui-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • python-pcp-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • xmlrpc-c-client-1.32.5-1905.svn2451.el7
  • python-gobject-base-3.22.0-1.el7_4.1
  • alx-utils-libs-1.0-21.el7
  • augeas-libs-1.4.0-10.el7
  • fipscheck-lib-1.4.1-6.el7
  • ksplice-helper-1.0.59-1.el7
  • libstoragemgmt-python-clibs-1.8.1-2.el7_9
  • libcgroup-0.41-21.el7
  • libssh2-1.8.0-4.el7
  • geoipupdate-2.5.0-2.el7
  • audit-libs-python-2.8.5-4.el7
  • oracle-epel-release-el7-1.0-4.el7
  • gdb-7.6.1-120.0.1.el7
  • redhat-release-server-7.9-6.0.1.el7_9
  • perl-Time-HiRes-1.9725-3.el7
  • aic94xx-firmware-30-6.el7
  • libtar-1.2.11-29.el7
  • authconfig-6.2.8-30.el7
  • python36-pytz-2016.10-2.0.1.el7
  • python-jinja2-2.7.2-4.el7
  • python-hwdata-1.7.3-4.el7
  • python-firewall-0.6.3-13.0.1.el7_9
  • python-pyudev-0.15-9.el7
  • python-IPy-0.75-6.el7
  • ksplice-release-el7-1.0-7.el7
  • abrt-libs-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • libreport-2.1.11-53.0.1.el7
  • grub2-pc-modules-2.02-
  • abrt-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • systemd-sysv-219-78.0.10.el7_9.7
  • oled-tools-0.5-5.el7
  • libnl-1.1.4-3.el7
  • usb_modeswitch-2.5.1-1.el7
  • hunspell-en-0.20121024-6.el7
  • python36-six-1.14.0-2.el7
  • fipscheck-1.4.1-6.el7
  • pcp-doc-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • python-requests-2.6.0-10.el7
  • abrt-console-notification-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • pygpgme-0.3-9.el7
  • xmlrpc-c-1.32.5-1905.svn2451.el7
  • abrt-addon-pstoreoops-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • dbus-python-1.1.1-9.el7
  • python2-cryptography-1.7.2-2.el7
  • setools-libs-3.3.8-4.el7
  • python-ipaddress-1.0.16-2.el7
  • python36-pycparser-2.14-2.el7
  • iw-4.3-2.el7
  • dhclient-4.2.5-83.0.1.el7_9.1
  • rng-tools-6.3.1-5.el7
  • python-gudev-147.2-7.el7
  • perl-5.16.3-299.el7_9
  • kernel-debug-devel-3.10.0-1160.
  • alx-utils-1.0-21.el7
  • langtable-0.0.31-4.el7
  • pcp-selinux-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • pm-utils-1.4.1-27.el7
  • rdate-1.4-25.el7
  • satyr-0.13-15.el7
  • ntsysv-1.7.6-1.el7
  • pcp-zeroconf-4.3.2-13.0.13.el7_9
  • ivtv-firmware-20080701-26.el7
  • python-idna-2.4-1.el7
  • libverto-libevent-0.2.5-4.el7
  • bridge-utils-1.5-9.el7
  • boost-python-1.53.0-28.el7
  • python-chardet-2.2.1-3.el7
  • libxml2-python-2.9.1-6.0.3.el7_9.6
  • python-netaddr-0.7.5-9.el7
  • abrt-addon-xorg-2.1.11-60.0.3.el7
  • perl-Filter-1.49-3.el7
  • uname26-1.0-1.el7
  • tcsh-6.18.01-17.el7_9.1
  • iwl6000g2b-firmware-
  • tcp_wrappers-libs-7.6-77.el7
  • nss-tools-3.79.0-5.el7_9
  • python-pycparser-2.14-1.el7
  • python-ply-3.4-11.el7
  • ksplice-known-exploit-detection-1.0.59-1.el7
  • nss-pem-1.0.3-7.el7_9.1
  • python2-futures-3.1.1-5.el7
  • hunspell-en-GB-0.20121024-6.el7
  • qrencode-libs-3.4.1-3.el7
  • python-ethtool-0.8-8.el7
  • python36-wcwidth-0.2.5-1.el7
  • libreport-python-2.1.11-53.0.1.el7
  • yajl-2.0.4-4.el7
  • pyOpenSSL-0.13.1-4.el7
  • python-2.7.5-93.0.1.el7_9
  • rpm-python-4.11.3-48.el7_9
  • libreport-plugin-ureport-2.1.11-53.0.1.el7
  • oci-included-release-el7-1.0-3.el7
  • langtable-python-0.0.31-4.el7
  • python-kitchen-1.1.1-5.el7
  • python36-cryptography-3.2.1-1.el7
  • python36-pyyaml-5.4.1-1.0.1.el7
  • libstoragemgmt-python-1.8.1-2.el7_9
  • grub2-pc-2.02-
  • python36-idna-2.5-1.0.1.el7
  • python-babel-0.9.6-8.el7

Removed packages:

  • grub2-tools-efi-2.02-142.0.3.el8_7.1
  • libxkbfile-1.1.0-1.el8
  • python3-libselinux-2.9-6.el8
  • python3-slip-dbus-0.6.4-13.el8
  • mtdev-1.1.5-12.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-dyninst-11.0.0-2.el8
  • libSM-1.2.3-1.el8
  • sssd-common-pac-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • guile-2.0.14-7.0.1.el8
  • python3-kmod-0.9-20.el8
  • libXxf86vm-1.1.4-9.el8
  • kernel-uek-core-5.15.0-
  • libX11-1.6.8-5.el8
  • libdatrie-0.2.9-7.el8
  • fuse3-libs-3.3.0-16.0.1.el8
  • perl-interpreter-5.26.3-421.el8
  • tbb-2018.2-9.el8
  • xkeyboard-config-2.28-1.el8
  • libXrender-0.9.10-7.el8
  • libnsl2-1.2.0-2.20180605git4a062cf.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-annobin-docs-10.23-1.el8
  • libcufft-11-4-
  • gcc-toolset-11-ltrace-0.7.91-1.el8
  • perl-IO-Socket-IP-0.39-5.el8
  • cockpit-storaged-276-1.0.1.el8
  • xorg-x11-server-common-1.20.11-9.el8
  • libinput-1.16.3-3.el8_6
  • isns-utils-libs-0.99-1.el8
  • python3-pexpect-4.3.1-3.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-elfutils-libelf-0.185-5.el8
  • colord-libs-1.4.2-1.el8
  • libX11-devel-1.6.8-5.el8
  • cuda-nvvp-11-4-11.4.193-1
  • python3-pyserial-3.1.1-8.el8
  • mesa-libglapi-22.1.5-2.el8
  • cuda-toolkit-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • perl-Unicode-Normalize-1.25-396.el8
  • libglvnd-egl-1.3.4-1.el8
  • fstrm-0.6.1-3.el8
  • cuda-gdb-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • python3-libstoragemgmt-1.9.1-3.el8
  • libcomps-0.1.18-1.el8
  • pigz-2.4-4.el8
  • libmodulemd-2.13.0-1.el8
  • nvidia-driver-cuda-470.182.03-1.el8
  • libwacom-data-1.6-3.el8
  • fontconfig-2.13.1-4.el8
  • gdk-pixbuf2-2.36.12-5.el8
  • cuda-nvprof-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • perl-Net-SSLeay-1.88-2.module+el8.6.0+20623+f0897f98
  • xcb-util-image-0.4.0-9.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-systemtap-4.5-6.el8
  • python3-rhnlib-2.8.6-8.0.2.module+el8.7.0+21027+f0093b7a
  • NetworkManager-team-1.40.0-6.0.1.el8_7
  • cuda-drivers-470.182.03-1
  • libevdev-1.10.0-1.el8
  • python3-unbound-1.16.2-2.el8
  • nvidia-persistenced-470.182.03-1.el8
  • libnvjpeg-devel-11-4-
  • perl-libnet-3.11-3.el8
  • alsa-lib-
  • xcb-util-0.4.0-10.el8
  • egl-wayland-1.1.9-3.el8
  • python3-pycparser-2.14-14.el8
  • symlinks-1.4-19.el8
  • oraclelinux-developer-release-el8-1.0-7.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-elfutils-libs-0.185-5.el8
  • python3-dnf-4.7.0-11.0.1.el8
  • libwayland-server-1.19.0-1.el8
  • cuda-compiler-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • gcc-toolset-11-libquadmath-devel-11.2.1-
  • dbus-tools-1.12.8-23.0.1.el8_7.1
  • gcc-toolset-11-11.1-1.el8
  • libgcab1-1.1-1.el8
  • udisks2-2.9.0-9.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-binutils-2.36.1-2.0.1.el8
  • cuda-nsight-systems-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • gnupg2-smime-2.2.20-3.el8_6
  • elfutils-debuginfod-client-0.187-4.el8
  • cuda-cudart-devel-11-4-11.4.148-1
  • python3-librepo-1.14.2-3.el8
  • cuda-documentation-11-4-11.4.126-1
  • python3-firewall-0.9.3-13.0.1.el8
  • libkcapi-hmaccalc-1.2.0-2.0.1.el8
  • elfutils-devel-0.187-4.el8
  • libxcb-1.13.1-1.el8
  • cuda-cccl-11-4-11.4.122-1
  • samba-client-libs-4.16.4-6.0.1.el8_7
  • cuda-nvml-devel-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • unbound-libs-1.16.2-2.el8
  • bubblewrap-0.4.0-1.el8
  • c-ares-1.13.0-6.el8
  • xorg-x11-drv-libinput-0.29.0-1.el8
  • rsyslog-gssapi-8.2102.0-10.el8
  • libXext-1.3.4-1.el8
  • libndp-1.7-6.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-systemtap-client-4.5-6.el8
  • libXdamage-1.1.4-14.el8
  • unified-monitoring-agent-2.8.83-0.el8
  • xorg-x11-drv-vesa-2.4.0-3.el8
  • langpacks-en-1.0-12.el8
  • bcache-tools-1.0.8-
  • nmap-ncat-7.70-8.el8
  • libarchive-3.3.3-4.el8
  • python3-ptyprocess-0.5.2-4.el8
  • dnf-plugin-spacewalk-2.8.5-11.0.3.module+el8.3.0+20070+f5719e00
  • at-spi2-core-2.28.0-1.el8
  • glibc-gconv-extra-2.28-211.0.1.el8
  • nvidia-modprobe-470.182.03-1.el8
  • mesa-libGL-22.1.5-2.el8
  • mesa-vulkan-drivers-22.1.5-2.el8
  • samba-common-4.16.4-6.0.1.el8_7
  • dnf-plugin-nvidia-2.0-1.el8
  • libmaxminddb-1.2.0-10.el8
  • python3-dnf-plugin-spacewalk-2.8.5-11.0.3.module+el8.3.0+20070+f5719e00
  • hicolor-icon-theme-0.17-2.el8
  • tpm2-tss-2.3.2-4.el8
  • xorg-x11-xkb-utils-7.7-28.el8
  • PackageKit-glib-1.1.12-6.0.1.el8
  • gtk-update-icon-cache-3.22.30-11.el8
  • nvidia-driver-470.182.03-1.el8
  • cuda-nsight-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • tcl-8.6.8-2.el8
  • cuda-nvcc-11-4-11.4.152-1
  • python3-pyparsing-2.1.10-7.el8
  • nvidia-libXNVCtrl-470.182.03-1.el8
  • nvidia-xconfig-470.182.03-1.el8
  • gtk3-3.22.30-11.el8
  • python3-pyyaml-5.4.1-1.0.1.el8
  • json-glib-1.4.4-1.el8
  • python3-requests-2.20.0-2.1.el8_1
  • python3-systemd-234-8.el8
  • gcc-c++-8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7
  • sssd-kcm-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • libzstd-devel-1.4.4-1.0.1.el8
  • nvidia-driver-NvFBCOpenGL-470.182.03-1.el8
  • volume_key-libs-0.3.11-5.el8
  • nvme-cli-1.16-5.el8
  • python3-setools-4.3.0-3.el8
  • cairo-gobject-1.15.12-6.el8
  • geolite2-city-20180605-1.el8
  • oci-included-release-el8-1.0-4.el8
  • libXcomposite-0.4.4-14.el8
  • nvidia-fabric-manager-devel-470.182.03-1
  • libXdmcp-1.1.3-1.el8
  • libcurand-devel-11-4-
  • sssd-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • sqlite-libs-3.26.0-17.el8_7
  • gcc-toolset-12-libstdc++-devel-12.1.1-3.4.el8_7
  • libxmlb-0.1.15-1.el8
  • oraclelinux-release-el8-1.0-28.el8
  • python3-cffi-1.11.5-5.el8
  • dconf-0.28.0-4.0.1.el8
  • mcelog-180-0.0.1.el8
  • boost-timer-1.66.0-13.el8
  • perl-Mozilla-CA-20160104-7.module+el8.3.0+7692+542c56f9
  • lua-libs-5.3.4-12.el8
  • python3-magic-5.33-21.el8
  • nvidia-driver-devel-470.182.03-1.el8
  • libudisks2-2.9.0-9.el8
  • abattis-cantarell-fonts-0.0.25-6.el8
  • authselect-compat-1.2.5-2.el8_7
  • libXtst-1.2.3-7.el8
  • pango-1.42.4-8.el8
  • dhcp-client-4.3.6-48.el8_7.1
  • nvidia-libXNVCtrl-devel-470.182.03-1.el8
  • python36-3.6.8-38.module+el8.5.0+20329+5c5719bc
  • libatasmart-0.19-14.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-make-4.3-2.el8
  • environment-modules-4.5.2-2.el8
  • python3-prettytable-0.7.2-14.el8
  • python3-pyOpenSSL-19.0.0-1.el8
  • xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9-10.el8
  • libverto-libev-0.3.2-2.el8
  • python3-jsonpointer-1.10-11.el8
  • python3-gpg-1.13.1-11.el8
  • libwayland-cursor-1.19.0-1.el8
  • python3-urllib3-1.24.2-5.0.1.el8
  • mailcap-2.1.48-3.el8
  • cockpit-ws-276.1-1.0.1.el8
  • glibc-langpack-en-2.28-211.0.1.el8
  • coreutils-common-8.30-13.0.1.el8
  • librepo-1.14.2-3.el8
  • ctags-5.8-22.el8
  • rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit-4.14.3-24.el8_7
  • linux-firmware-core-20230315-999.18.gitc761dbe8.el8
  • ima-evm-utils-1.3.2-12.el8
  • perl-IPC-System-Simple-1.25-17.el8
  • python3-newt-0.52.20-11.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-elfutils-libelf-devel-0.185-5.el8
  • brotli-1.0.6-3.el8
  • cuda-memcheck-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • libbabeltrace-1.5.4-4.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-valgrind-3.17.0-6.el8
  • python3-dateutil-2.7.5-1.0.1.el8
  • rsyslog-relp-8.2102.0-10.el8
  • nvmetcli-0.7-3.0.1.el8
  • clang-resource-filesystem-14.0.6-1.0.1.module+el8.7.0+20823+214a699d
  • boost-chrono-1.66.0-13.el8
  • perl-Digest-MD5-2.55-396.el8
  • libvdpau-1.4-2.el8
  • python3-urwid-1.3.1-4.el8
  • libgudev-232-4.el8
  • libstemmer-0-10.585svn.el8
  • adwaita-icon-theme-3.28.0-3.el8
  • libssh-0.9.6-3.el8
  • nvidia-fabric-manager-470.182.03-1
  • NetworkManager-config-server-1.40.0-6.0.1.el8_7
  • libtiff-4.0.9-26.el8_7
  • python3-jsonschema-2.6.0-4.el8
  • NetworkManager-libnm-1.40.0-6.0.1.el8_7
  • librelp-1.9.0-1.el8
  • nvidia-settings-470.182.03-1.el8
  • timedatex-0.5-3.el8
  • dbus-daemon-1.12.8-23.0.1.el8_7.1
  • libipt-1.6.1-8.el8
  • libsolv-0.7.20-4.el8_7
  • libnpp-devel-11-4-
  • python3-ply-3.9-9.el8
  • graphite2-1.3.10-10.el8
  • oracle-epel-release-el8-1.0-5.el8
  • libssh-config-0.9.6-3.el8
  • perl-Term-Cap-1.17-395.el8
  • dos2unix-7.4.0-3.el8
  • python3-certifi-2018.10.15-5.0.1.el8
  • libmetalink-0.1.3-7.el8
  • libblockdev-crypto-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • python3-hawkey-0.63.0-
  • python3-slip-0.6.4-13.el8
  • rest-0.8.1-2.el8
  • cuda-nvrtc-11-4-11.4.152-1
  • gcc-toolset-11-gcc-c++-11.2.1-
  • libtool-ltdl-2.4.6-25.el8
  • libcusparse-devel-11-4-
  • python3-pyudev-0.21.0-7.el8
  • ocl-icd-2.2.12-1.el8
  • libdrm-2.4.111-1.el8
  • libkcapi-1.2.0-2.0.1.el8
  • python3-rhn-setup-2.8.16-13.0.6.module+el8.7.0+21032+057d0dfe
  • python2-libs-2.7.18-11.0.1.module+el8.7.0+20809+34912fc4
  • cups-libs-2.2.6-50.el8
  • gcc-toolset-12-binutils-gold-2.38-16.el8
  • lksctp-tools-1.0.18-3.el8
  • gcc-toolset-12-binutils-2.38-16.el8
  • libstdc++-devel-8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7
  • libtevent-0.12.0-0.el8
  • geolite2-country-20180605-1.el8
  • pkgconf-pkg-config-1.4.2-1.el8
  • setroubleshoot-plugins-3.3.14-1.0.1.el8
  • libsecret-0.18.6-1.el8
  • NetworkManager-1.40.0-6.0.1.el8_7
  • at-spi2-atk-2.26.2-1.el8
  • python3-dmidecode-3.12.2-15.0.1.el8
  • libxcrypt-devel-4.1.1-6.el8
  • pcre2-10.32-3.el8_6
  • libquadmath-8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7
  • ipcalc-0.2.4-4.el8
  • libcublas-11-4-
  • lcms2-2.9-2.el8
  • libcusolver-devel-11-4-
  • libnvjpeg-11-4-
  • python2-2.7.18-11.0.1.module+el8.7.0+20809+34912fc4
  • libibverbs-41.0-1.el8
  • memstrack-0.2.4-2.el8
  • gcc-toolset-12-gcc-c++-12.1.1-3.4.el8_7
  • cuda-tools-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • gcc-toolset-11-dwz-0.14-2.el8
  • rsyslog-gnutls-8.2102.0-10.el8
  • network-scripts-10.00.18-1.el8
  • python3-bind-9.11.36-5.el8_7.2
  • psmisc-23.1-5.el8
  • python3-rhn-client-tools-2.8.16-13.0.6.module+el8.7.0+21032+057d0dfe
  • authselect-1.2.5-2.el8_7
  • libgusb-0.3.0-1.el8
  • libXau-devel-1.0.9-3.el8
  • elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel-0.187-4.el8
  • dnf-4.7.0-11.0.1.el8
  • setroubleshoot-server-3.3.26-5.0.1.el8
  • perl-IO-1.38-421.el8
  • libbytesize-1.4-3.el8
  • libbpf-0.6.0-6.el8
  • jbigkit-libs-2.1-14.el8
  • dejavu-sans-mono-fonts-2.35-7.el8
  • gc-7.6.4-3.el8
  • python3-linux-procfs-0.7.0-1.el8
  • libxcb-devel-1.13.1-1.el8
  • libpkgconf-1.4.2-1.el8
  • python3-pydbus-0.6.0-5.el8
  • libwacom-1.6-3.el8
  • perl-IO-Socket-SSL-2.066-4.module+el8.6.0+20623+f0897f98
  • crypto-policies-20211116-1.gitae470d6.el8
  • libXrandr-1.5.2-1.el8
  • cuda-cupti-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • cuda-libraries-devel-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • gcc-toolset-11-perftools-11.1-1.el8
  • mysql-release-el8-1.0-3.el8
  • dtrace-2.0.0-1.12.el8
  • polkit-libs-0.115-13.0.1.el8_5.2
  • libepoxy-1.5.8-1.el8
  • gdk-pixbuf2-modules-2.36.12-5.el8
  • python3-pycurl-
  • opencl-filesystem-1.0-6.el8
  • squashfs-tools-4.3-20.el8
  • libfdisk-2.32.1-39.el8_7
  • xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.20.11-9.el8
  • fuse-common-3.3.0-16.0.1.el8
  • python3-hwdata-2.3.6-3.el8
  • python2-pip-wheel-9.0.3-19.module+el8.6.0+20550+a85dc526
  • cuda-nvtx-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • python3-dnf-plugin-ulninfo-0.3-2.module+el8.4.0+20142+f119a2fa
  • authselect-libs-1.2.5-2.el8_7
  • fwupd-1.7.8-1.0.1.el8
  • libthai-0.1.27-2.el8
  • trousers-lib-0.3.15-1.el8
  • python3-dnf-plugins-core-4.0.21-
  • rpm-plugin-selinux-4.14.3-24.el8_7
  • cuda-samples-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • nsight-compute-2021.2.2-2021.2.2.1-1
  • gcc-toolset-11-gcc-gfortran-11.2.1-
  • cockpit-276.1-1.0.1.el8
  • cockpit-bridge-276.1-1.0.1.el8
  • python3-pysocks-1.6.8-3.el8
  • zlib-devel-1.2.11-21.el8_7
  • libXcursor-1.1.15-3.el8
  • kmod-nvidia-latest-dkms-470.182.03-1.el8
  • nvidia-driver-cuda-libs-470.182.03-1.el8
  • protobuf-c-1.3.0-6.el8
  • pkgconf-m4-1.4.2-1.el8
  • tree-1.7.0-15.el8
  • cuda-runtime-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • libcudnn8-
  • cuda-demo-suite-11-4-11.4.100-1
  • cuda-toolkit-11-4-config-common-11.4.148-1
  • nsight-systems-2023.1.2-2023.1.2.43_32377213v0-0
  • pkgconf-1.4.2-1.el8
  • crypto-policies-scripts-20211116-1.gitae470d6.el8
  • libwayland-egl-1.19.0-1.el8
  • cuda-nsight-compute-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • libev-4.24-6.el8
  • libXinerama-1.1.4-1.el8
  • libsmbclient-4.16.4-6.0.1.el8_7
  • python2-setuptools-wheel-39.0.1-13.module+el8.4.0+20050+79c7b4ee
  • gds-tools-11-4-
  • gcc-toolset-11-gcc-11.2.1-
  • libcusolver-11-4-
  • gcc-toolset-11-runtime-11.1-1.el8
  • iptstate-2.2.6-6.el8
  • cuda-toolkit-config-common-12.1.105-1
  • libglvnd-glx-1.3.4-1.el8
  • cuda-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • libnpp-11-4-
  • libblockdev-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • dkms-3.0.10-1.el8
  • python3-jsonpatch-1.21-2.el8
  • libxkbcommon-0.9.1-1.el8
  • xz-devel-5.2.4-4.el8_6
  • dracut-squash-049-218.git20221019.0.1.el8_7
  • NetworkManager-tui-1.40.0-6.0.1.el8_7
  • boost-atomic-1.66.0-13.el8
  • libcufile-11-4-
  • xorg-x11-proto-devel-2020.1-3.el8
  • python3-perf-4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7
  • oci-linux-config-2.0-1.0.22.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-systemtap-runtime-4.5-6.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-elfutils-debuginfod-client-0.185-5.el8
  • libcurand-11-4-
  • gcc-toolset-11-systemtap-devel-4.5-6.el8
  • libcudnn8-devel-
  • libnftnl-1.1.5-5.el8
  • efi-filesystem-3-3.0.1.el8
  • platform-python-3.6.8-48.0.1.el8_7.1
  • sssd-ldap-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • libXau-1.0.9-3.el8
  • prefixdevname-0.1.0-6.el8
  • libX11-common-1.6.8-5.el8
  • libwayland-client-1.19.0-1.el8
  • kernel-core-4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7
  • python3-oauthlib-2.1.0-1.el8
  • source-highlight-3.1.8-17.el8
  • python3-nftables-0.9.3-26.el8
  • mozjs60-60.9.0-4.0.1.el8
  • libxkbcommon-x11-0.9.1-1.el8
  • sssd-ipa-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • python3-cairo-1.16.3-6.el8
  • harfbuzz-1.7.5-3.el8
  • libcublas-devel-11-4-
  • cuda-driver-devel-11-4-11.4.148-1
  • python3-netaddr-0.7.19-8.el8
  • atk-2.28.1-1.el8
  • dbus-common-1.12.8-23.0.1.el8_7.1
  • libblockdev-mdraid-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • hdparm-9.54-4.el8
  • libglvnd-opengl-1.3.4-1.el8
  • mesa-libgbm-22.1.5-2.el8
  • clang-libs-14.0.6-1.0.1.module+el8.7.0+20823+214a699d
  • isl-0.16.1-6.el8
  • python3-configobj-5.0.6-11.el8
  • perl-MIME-Base64-3.15-396.el8
  • cuda-cudart-11-4-11.4.148-1
  • libblockdev-swap-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • libxshmfence-1.3-2.el8
  • nvidia-driver-NVML-470.182.03-1.el8
  • nvidia-kmod-common-470.182.03-1.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-binutils-devel-2.36.1-2.0.1.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-elfutils-0.185-5.el8
  • python3-gobject-base-3.28.3-2.el8
  • cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.27-6.el8_5
  • perl-URI-1.73-3.el8
  • libXfont2-2.0.3-2.el8
  • libjpeg-turbo-1.5.3-12.el8
  • ksplice-release-el8-1.0-4.el8
  • libcusparse-11-4-
  • sssd-krb5-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • vulkan-loader-
  • python3-libdnf-0.63.0-
  • cockpit-system-276.1-1.0.1.el8
  • xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.0-7.el8
  • libblockdev-fs-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • cuda-cuobjdump-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • cockpit-packagekit-276-1.0.1.el8
  • redhat-release-8.7-
  • libblockdev-part-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • libtdb-1.4.6-1.el8
  • libfontenc-1.1.3-8.el8
  • python3-markupsafe-0.23-19.el8
  • python3-pytz-2017.2-9.el8
  • userspace-rcu-0.10.1-4.el8
  • libglvnd-gles-1.3.4-1.el8
  • systemd-udev-239-68.0.2.el8_7.4
  • libXft-2.3.3-1.el8
  • cuda-command-line-tools-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • platform-python-pip-9.0.3-22.el8
  • python3-rhn-check-2.8.16-13.0.6.module+el8.7.0+21032+057d0dfe
  • python3-six-1.11.0-8.el8
  • libcufft-devel-11-4-
  • nvidia-driver-libs-470.182.03-1.el8
  • libblockdev-utils-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • cuda-toolkit-11-config-common-11.8.89-1
  • gcc-toolset-12-runtime-12.0-5.el8
  • python3-dbus-1.2.4-15.el8
  • libpciaccess-0.14-1.el8
  • python3-libsemanage-2.9-9.el8_6
  • cuda-libraries-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • python3-configshell-1.1.28-1.0.1.el8
  • openssl-pkcs11-0.4.10-2.el8
  • gcc-toolset-12-gcc-12.1.1-3.4.el8_7
  • libksba-1.3.5-9.el8_7
  • python3-audit-3.0.7-4.el8
  • cuda-nvprune-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • gcc-toolset-11-libstdc++-devel-11.2.1-
  • gdbm-libs-1.18-2.el8
  • libdhash-0.5.0-40.el8
  • xorg-x11-drv-fbdev-0.5.0-2.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-toolchain-11.1-1.el8
  • gsettings-desktop-schemas-3.32.0-6.el8
  • libsigsegv-2.11-5.el8
  • python3-sssdconfig-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • libpfm-4.10.1-5.el8
  • sssd-krb5-common-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • libxcrypt-4.1.1-6.el8
  • kernel-uek-modules-5.15.0-
  • python3-netifaces-0.10.6-4.el8
  • python3-rpm-4.14.3-24.el8_7
  • python3-babel-2.5.1-7.el8
  • boost-python3-1.66.0-6.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-strace-5.13-7.el8
  • python3-cryptography-3.2.1-5.el8
  • fuse3-3.3.0-16.0.1.el8
  • cuda-nvdisasm-11-4-11.4.152-1
  • python3-gobject-3.28.3-2.el8
  • libtalloc-2.3.3-2.el8
  • python3-decorator-4.2.1-2.el8
  • libX11-xcb-1.6.8-5.el8
  • python3-libcomps-0.1.18-1.el8
  • libwbclient-4.16.4-6.0.1.el8_7
  • cuda-sanitizer-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • util-linux-user-2.32.1-39.el8_7
  • libglvnd-1.3.4-1.el8
  • samba-common-libs-4.16.4-6.0.1.el8_7
  • libXi-1.7.10-1.el8
  • fribidi-1.0.4-9.el8
  • kernel-modules-4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7
  • npth-1.5-4.el8
  • perl-Digest-1.17-395.el8
  • iptables-libs-1.8.4-23.0.1.el8_7.1
  • kernel-devel-4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7
  • sssd-common-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • perl-Text-Tabs+Wrap-2013.0523-395.el8
  • python3-jwt-1.6.1-2.el8
  • libICE-1.0.9-15.el8
  • publicsuffix-list-dafsa-20180723-1.el8
  • python3-policycoreutils-2.9-20.0.1.el8
  • gcc-toolset-11-gdb-10.2-5.0.1.el8
  • libdnf-0.63.0-
  • libgfortran-8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7
  • python3-setuptools-wheel-39.2.0-6.el8_7.1
  • perl-Errno-1.28-421.el8
  • dejavu-fonts-common-2.35-7.el8
  • perl-Data-Dumper-2.167-399.el8
  • python3-chardet-3.0.4-7.el8
  • iptables-ebtables-1.8.4-23.0.1.el8_7.1
  • libipa_hbac-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • llvm-libs-14.0.6-1.0.1.module+el8.7.0+20823+214a699d
  • python3-jinja2-2.10.1-3.el8
  • libpsl-0.20.2-6.el8
  • libsoup-2.62.3-2.el8
  • libnghttp2-1.33.0-3.el8_2.1
  • cairo-1.15.12-6.el8
  • libidn2-2.2.0-1.el8
  • sssd-ad-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • lmdb-libs-0.9.24-1.el8
  • libatomic_ops-7.6.2-3.el8
  • libblockdev-loop-2.24-11.0.1.el8
  • cuda-visual-tools-11-4-11.4.4-1
  • PackageKit-1.1.12-6.0.1.el8
  • glib-networking-2.56.1-1.1.el8
  • jasper-libs-2.0.14-5.el8
  • cuda-nvrtc-devel-11-4-11.4.152-1
  • nftables-0.9.3-26.el8
  • sscg-3.0.0-5.el8
  • cuda-cuxxfilt-11-4-11.4.120-1
  • libappstream-glib-0.7.14-3.el8
  • adwaita-cursor-theme-3.28.0-3.el8
  • libsss_certmap-2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3
  • platform-python-setuptools-39.2.0-6.el8_7.1
  • systemd-pam-239-68.0.2.el8_7.4
  • dnf-data-4.7.0-11.0.1.el8
  • elfutils-libelf-devel-0.187-4.el8
  • dnf-plugins-core-4.0.21-
  • policycoreutils-python-utils-2.9-20.0.1.el8
  • jdk-11-11.0.17-ga
  • python3-idna-2.5-5.el8
  • xcb-util-wm-0.4.1-12.el8
  • mesa-libEGL-22.1.5-2.el8
  • libldb-2.5.2-2.el8
  • libcufile-devel-11-4-
  • lz4-libs-1.8.3-3.el8_4
  • perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.06-396.el8
  • libsmbios-2.4.1-2.el8
  • python3-libxml2-2.9.7-15.el8_7.1
  • realmd-0.16.3-25.el8
  • libXfixes-5.0.3-7.el8
  • python3-pip-wheel-9.0.3-22.el8

Modified packages:

  • acl updated from 2.2.53-1.el8 to 2.2.51-15.el7
  • at updated from 3.1.20-12.el8 to 3.1.13-25.el7_9
  • attr updated from 2.4.48-3.el8 to 2.4.46-13.el7
  • audit updated from 3.0.7-4.el8 to 2.8.5-4.el7
  • audit-libs updated from 3.0.7-4.el8 to 2.8.5-4.el7
  • avahi-libs updated from 0.7-20.el8 to 0.6.31-20.el7
  • basesystem updated from 11-5.el8 to 10.0-7.0.1.el7
  • bash updated from 4.4.20-4.el8_6 to 4.2.46-35.el7_9
  • bash-completion updated from 2.7-5.el8 to 2.1-8.el7
  • bc updated from 1.07.1-5.el8 to 1.06.95-13.el7
  • bcc updated from 0.24.0-2.el8 to 0.10.0-1.0.1.el7
  • bind-export-libs updated from 9.11.36-5.el8_7.2 to 9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.13
  • bind-libs updated from 9.11.36-5.el8_7.2 to 9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.13
  • bind-libs-lite updated from 9.11.36-5.el8_7.2 to 9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.13
  • bind-license updated from 9.11.36-5.el8_7.2 to 9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.13
  • bind-utils updated from 9.11.36-5.el8_7.2 to 9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.13
  • binutils updated from 2.30-117.0.3.el8 to 2.27-44.base.0.3.el7_9.1
  • biosdevname updated from 0.7.3-2.0.1.el8 to 0.7.3-2.0.1.el7
  • bitmap-fixed-fonts updated from 0.3-28.el8 to 0.3-21.el7
  • blktrace updated from 1.2.0-10.el8 to 1.0.5-9.el7
  • boost-date-time updated from 1.66.0-13.el8 to 1.53.0-28.el7
  • boost-filesystem updated from 1.66.0-13.el8 to 1.53.0-28.el7
  • boost-regex updated from 1.66.0-13.el8 to 1.53.0-28.el7
  • boost-system updated from 1.66.0-13.el8 to 1.53.0-28.el7
  • boost-thread updated from 1.66.0-13.el8 to 1.53.0-28.el7
  • bpftool updated from 5.15.0- to 3.10.0-1160.
  • btrfs-progs updated from 5.15.1-0.el8 to 5.12.1-1.el7
  • bzip2 updated from 1.0.6-26.el8 to 1.0.6-13.el7
  • bzip2-libs updated from 1.0.6-26.el8 to 1.0.6-13.el7
  • ca-certificates updated from 2022.2.54-80.2.el8_6 to 2022.2.54-74.el7_9
  • checkpolicy updated from 2.9-1.el8 to 2.5-8.el7
  • chkconfig updated from 1.19.1-1.0.1.el8 to 1.7.6-1.el7
  • chrony updated from 4.2-1.0.1.el8 to 3.4-1.0.1.el7
  • cloud-init updated from 22.1-6.0.4.el8_7.2 to 19.4-7.0.5.el7_9.6
  • cloud-utils-growpart updated from 0.31-3.el8 to 0.29-5.el7
  • coreutils updated from 8.30-13.0.1.el8 to 8.22-24.0.1.el7_9.2
  • cpio updated from 2.12-11.el8 to 2.11-28.el7
  • cpp updated from 8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7 to 4.8.5-44.0.3.el7
  • cracklib updated from 2.9.6-15.el8 to 2.9.0-11.el7
  • cracklib-dicts updated from 2.9.6-15.el8 to 2.9.0-11.el7
  • cronie updated from 1.5.2-8.el8 to 1.4.11-25.el7_9
  • cronie-anacron updated from 1.5.2-8.el8 to 1.4.11-25.el7_9
  • crontabs updated from 1.11-17.20190603git.el8 to 1.11-6.20121102git.el7
  • cryptsetup updated from 2.3.7-2.el8 to 2.0.3-6.el7
  • cryptsetup-libs updated from 2.3.7-2.el8 to 2.0.3-6.el7
  • curl updated from 7.61.1-25.el8_7.3 to 7.29.0-59.0.3.el7_9.1
  • cyrus-sasl-lib updated from 2.1.27-6.el8_5 to 2.1.26-24.0.1.el7_9
  • cyrus-sasl-plain updated from 2.1.27-6.el8_5 to 2.1.26-24.0.1.el7_9
  • dbus updated from 1.12.8-23.0.1.el8_7.1 to 1.10.24-15.0.1.el7
  • dbus-glib updated from 0.110-2.el8 to 0.100-7.el7
  • dbus-libs updated from 1.12.8-23.0.1.el8_7.1 to 1.10.24-15.0.1.el7
  • desktop-file-utils updated from 0.23-8.el8 to 0.23-2.el7
  • device-mapper updated from 1.02.181-6.el8 to 1.02.170-6.0.5.el7_9.5
  • device-mapper-event updated from 1.02.181-6.el8 to 1.02.170-6.0.5.el7_9.5
  • device-mapper-event-libs updated from 1.02.181-6.el8 to 1.02.170-6.0.5.el7_9.5
  • device-mapper-libs updated from 1.02.181-6.el8 to 1.02.170-6.0.5.el7_9.5
  • device-mapper-multipath updated from 0.8.4-28.el8_7.3 to 0.4.9-136.0.1.el7_9
  • device-mapper-multipath-libs updated from 0.8.4-28.el8_7.3 to 0.4.9-136.0.1.el7_9
  • device-mapper-persistent-data updated from 0.9.0-7.el8 to 0.8.5-3.el7_9.2
  • dhcp-common updated from 4.3.6-48.el8_7.1 to 4.2.5-83.0.1.el7_9.1
  • dhcp-libs updated from 4.3.6-48.el8_7.1 to 4.2.5-83.0.1.el7_9.1
  • diffutils updated from 3.6-6.el8 to 3.3-6.el7_9
  • dmidecode updated from 3.3-4.el8 to 3.2-5.0.1.el7_9.1
  • dosfstools updated from 4.1-6.el8 to 3.0.20-10.el7
  • dracut updated from 049-218.git20221019.0.1.el8_7 to 033-572.0.9.el7
  • dracut-config-rescue updated from 049-218.git20221019.0.1.el8_7 to 033-572.0.9.el7
  • dracut-network updated from 049-218.git20221019.0.1.el8_7 to 033-572.0.9.el7
  • dyninst updated from 12.1.0-1.el8 to 9.3.1-3.el7
  • e2fsprogs updated from 1.46.2-2.el8 to 1.45.4-3.0.5.el7
  • e2fsprogs-libs updated from 1.46.2-2.el8 to 1.45.4-3.0.5.el7
  • ed updated from 1.14.2-4.el8 to 1.9-4.el7
  • efibootmgr updated from 16-1.0.1.el8 to 17-2.0.1.el7
  • efivar-libs updated from 37-4.el8 to 36-12.el7
  • elfutils-default-yama-scope updated from 0.187-4.el8 to 0.176-5.el7
  • elfutils-libelf updated from 0.187-4.el8 to 0.176-5.el7
  • elfutils-libs updated from 0.187-4.el8 to 0.176-5.el7
  • emacs-filesystem updated from 26.1-7.el8_7.1 to 24.3-23.el7_9.1
  • ethtool updated from 5.13-2.el8 to 4.8-10.el7
  • expat updated from 2.2.5-10.0.1.el8_7.1 to 2.1.0-15.0.1.el7_9
  • file updated from 5.33-21.el8 to 5.11-37.el7
  • file-libs updated from 5.33-21.el8 to 5.11-37.el7
  • filesystem updated from 3.8-6.el8 to 3.2-25.el7
  • findutils updated from 4.6.0-20.el8 to 4.5.11-6.el7
  • firewalld updated from 0.9.3-13.0.1.el8 to 0.6.3-13.0.1.el7_9
  • firewalld-filesystem updated from 0.9.3-13.0.1.el8 to 0.6.3-13.0.1.el7_9
  • fontpackages-filesystem updated from 1.44-22.el8 to 1.44-8.el7
  • fprintd updated from 1.90.9-2.el8 to 0.8.1-2.el7
  • fprintd-pam updated from 1.90.9-2.el8 to 0.8.1-2.el7
  • freetype updated from 2.9.1-9.el8 to 2.8-14.el7_9.1
  • fuse-libs updated from 2.9.7-16.0.1.el8 to 2.9.4-1.0.9.el7
  • gawk updated from 4.2.1-4.el8 to 4.0.2-4.el7_3.1
  • gcc updated from 8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7 to 4.8.5-44.0.3.el7
  • gdbm updated from 1.18-2.el8 to 1.10-8.el7
  • gdisk updated from 1.0.3-11.el8 to 0.8.10-3.el7
  • gettext updated from to
  • gettext-libs updated from to
  • glib2 updated from 2.56.4-159.0.1.el8 to 2.56.1-9.el7_9
  • glibc updated from 2.28-211.0.1.el8 to 2.17-326.0.3.ksplice1.el7_9
  • glibc-common updated from 2.28-211.0.1.el8 to 2.17-326.0.3.ksplice1.el7_9
  • glibc-devel updated from 2.28-211.0.1.el8 to 2.17-326.0.3.ksplice1.el7_9
  • glibc-headers updated from 2.28-211.0.1.el8 to 2.17-326.0.3.ksplice1.el7_9
  • gmp updated from 6.1.2-10.el8 to 6.0.0-15.el7
  • gnupg2 updated from 2.2.20-3.el8_6 to 2.0.22-5.el7_5
  • gnutls updated from 3.6.16-6.el8_7 to 3.3.29-9.el7_6
  • gobject-introspection updated from 1.56.1-1.el8 to 1.56.1-1.el7
  • gpgme updated from 1.13.1-11.el8 to 1.3.2-5.el7
  • gpm-libs updated from 1.20.7-17.el8 to 1.20.7-6.el7
  • grep updated from 3.1-6.el8 to 2.20-3.el7
  • groff-base updated from 1.22.3-18.el8 to 1.22.2-8.el7
  • grub2-common updated from 2.02-142.0.3.el8_7.1 to 2.02-
  • grub2-efi-x64 updated from 2.02-142.0.3.el8_7.1 to 2.02-
  • grub2-tools updated from 2.02-142.0.3.el8_7.1 to 2.02-
  • grub2-tools-extra updated from 2.02-142.0.3.el8_7.1 to 2.02-
  • grub2-tools-minimal updated from 2.02-142.0.3.el8_7.1 to 2.02-
  • grubby updated from 8.40-47.0.1.el8 to 8.28-26.0.7.el7
  • gssproxy updated from 0.8.0-21.el8 to 0.7.0-30.el7_9
  • gzip updated from 1.9-13.el8_5 to 1.5-11.el7_9
  • hardlink updated from 1.3-6.el8 to 1.0-19.el7
  • hostname updated from 3.20-6.el8 to 3.13-3.el7_7.1
  • hwdata updated from 0.314-8.14.el8 to 0.252-
  • info updated from 6.5-7.el8 to 5.1-5.el7
  • initscripts updated from 10.00.18-1.el8 to 9.49.53-1.0.3.el7_9.1
  • iperf3 updated from 3.5-6.el8 to 3.1.7-2.el7
  • iproute updated from 5.18.0-1.0.1.el8 to 5.15.0-1.0.3.el7
  • iproute-tc updated from 5.18.0-1.0.1.el8 to 5.15.0-1.0.3.el7
  • iprutils updated from 2.4.19-1.el8 to
  • ipset updated from 7.1-1.el8 to 7.1-1.el7
  • ipset-libs updated from 7.1-1.el8 to 7.1-1.el7
  • iptables updated from 1.8.4-23.0.1.el8_7.1 to 1.4.21-35.0.3.el7
  • iputils updated from 20180629-10.el8 to 20160308-10.el7
  • irqbalance updated from 1.9.0-3.0.1.el8 to 1.0.8-3.0.1.el7
  • iscsi-initiator-utils updated from to
  • iscsi-initiator-utils-iscsiuio updated from to
  • iwl100-firmware updated from to
  • iwl1000-firmware updated from to
  • iwl105-firmware updated from to
  • iwl135-firmware updated from to
  • iwl2000-firmware updated from to
  • iwl2030-firmware updated from to
  • iwl3160-firmware updated from to
  • iwl5000-firmware updated from to
  • iwl5150-firmware updated from to
  • iwl6000-firmware updated from to
  • iwl6000g2a-firmware updated from to
  • iwl6050-firmware updated from to
  • iwl7260-firmware updated from to
  • iwlax2xx-firmware updated from 20230315-999.18.el8 to 20230315-999.18.el7
  • jansson updated from 2.14-1.el8 to 2.10-1.el7
  • jq updated from 1.6-3.el8 to 1.5-1.0.1.el7
  • json-c updated from 0.13.1-3.el8 to 0.11-4.el7_0
  • kbd updated from 2.0.4-10.el8 to 1.15.5-16.el7_9
  • kbd-legacy updated from 2.0.4-10.el8 to 1.15.5-16.el7_9
  • kbd-misc updated from 2.0.4-10.el8 to 1.15.5-16.el7_9
  • kernel updated from 4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7 to 3.10.0-1160.
  • kernel-headers updated from 4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7 to 3.10.0-1160.
  • kernel-tools updated from 4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7 to 3.10.0-1160.
  • kernel-tools-libs updated from 4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7 to 3.10.0-1160.
  • kernel-uek updated from 5.15.0- to 5.4.17-2136.320.7.el7uek
  • kernel-uek-devel updated from 5.15.0- to 5.4.17-2136.320.7.el7uek
  • kexec-tools updated from 2.0.25-5.0.2.el8 to 2.0.15-51.0.5.el7_9.3
  • keyutils updated from 1.5.10-9.el8 to 1.5.8-3.el7
  • keyutils-libs updated from 1.5.10-9.el8 to 1.5.8-3.el7
  • kmod updated from 25-19.0.2.el8 to 20-28.0.3.el7
  • kmod-kvdo updated from to
  • kmod-libs updated from 25-19.0.2.el8 to 20-28.0.3.el7
  • kpartx updated from 0.8.4-28.el8_7.3 to 0.4.9-136.0.1.el7_9
  • krb5-libs updated from 1.18.2-22.0.1.el8_7 to 1.15.1-55.0.1.el7_9
  • ksplice updated from 1.0.59-1.el8 to 1.0.59-1.el7
  • ksplice-core0 updated from 1.0.59-1.el8 to 1.0.59-1.el7
  • ksplice-tools updated from 1.0.59-1.el8 to 1.0.59-1.el7
  • ledmon updated from 0.96-2.el8 to 0.92-1.el7
  • less updated from 530-1.el8 to 458-9.el7
  • libacl updated from 2.2.53-1.el8 to 2.2.51-15.el7
  • libaio updated from 0.3.112-1.el8 to 0.3.109-13.el7
  • libassuan updated from 2.5.1-3.el8 to 2.1.0-3.el7
  • libattr updated from 2.4.48-3.el8 to 2.4.46-13.el7
  • libbasicobjects updated from 0.1.1-40.el8 to 0.1.1-32.el7
  • libblkid updated from 2.32.1-39.el8_7 to 2.23.2-65.0.3.el7_9.1
  • libcap updated from 2.48-4.el8 to 2.22-11.el7
  • libcap-ng updated from 0.7.11-1.el8 to 0.7.5-4.el7
  • libcollection updated from 0.7.0-40.el8 to 0.7.0-32.el7
  • libcom_err updated from 1.46.2-2.el8 to 1.45.4-3.0.5.el7
  • libconfig updated from 1.5-9.el8 to 1.4.9-5.el7
  • libcroco updated from 0.6.12-4.el8_2.1 to 0.6.12-6.el7_9
  • libcurl updated from 7.61.1-25.el8_7.3 to 7.29.0-59.0.3.el7_9.1
  • libdaemon updated from 0.14-15.el8 to 0.14-7.el7
  • libdb updated from 5.3.28-42.el8_4 to 5.3.21-25.el7
  • libdb-utils updated from 5.3.28-42.el8_4 to 5.3.21-25.el7
  • libedit updated from 3.1-23.20170329cvs.el8 to 3.0-12.20121213cvs.el7
  • libestr updated from 0.1.10-3.el8 to 0.1.9-2.el7
  • libevent updated from 2.1.8-5.el8 to 2.0.21-4.el7
  • libfastjson updated from 0.99.9-1.el8 to 0.99.4-3.el7
  • libffi updated from 3.1-23.el8 to 3.0.13-19.el7
  • libfprint updated from 1.90.7-1.el8 to 0.8.2-1.el7
  • libgcc updated from 8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7 to 4.8.5-44.0.3.el7
  • libgcrypt updated from 1.8.5-7.el8_6 to 1.5.3-14.el7
  • libgomp updated from 8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7 to 4.8.5-44.0.3.el7
  • libgpg-error updated from 1.31-1.el8 to 1.12-3.el7
  • libicu updated from 60.3-2.el8_1 to 50.2-4.el7_7
  • libini_config updated from 1.3.1-40.el8 to 1.3.1-32.el7
  • libmnl updated from 1.0.4-6.el8 to 1.0.3-7.el7
  • libmodman updated from 2.0.1-17.el8 to 2.0.1-8.el7
  • libmount updated from 2.32.1-39.el8_7 to 2.23.2-65.0.3.el7_9.1
  • libmpc updated from 1.1.0-9.1.el8 to 1.0.1-3.el7
  • libnetfilter_conntrack updated from 1.0.6-5.el8 to 1.0.6-1.el7_3
  • libnfnetlink updated from 1.0.1-13.el8 to 1.0.1-4.el7
  • libnfsidmap updated from 2.3.3-57.el8_7.1 to 0.25-19.el7
  • libnl3 updated from 3.7.0-1.el8 to 3.2.28-4.el7
  • libnl3-cli updated from 3.7.0-1.el8 to 3.2.28-4.el7
  • libpath_utils updated from 0.2.1-40.el8 to 0.2.1-32.el7
  • libpcap updated from 1.9.1-5.el8 to 1.5.3-13.el7_9
  • libpipeline updated from 1.5.0-2.el8 to 1.2.3-3.el7
  • libpng updated from 1.6.34-5.el8 to 1.5.13-8.el7
  • libproxy updated from 0.4.15-5.2.el8 to 0.4.11-11.el7
  • libpwquality updated from 1.4.4-5.el8 to 1.2.3-5.el7
  • libref_array updated from 0.1.5-40.el8 to 0.1.5-32.el7
  • libreport-filesystem updated from 2.9.5-15.0.3.el8 to 2.1.11-53.0.1.el7
  • libseccomp updated from 2.5.2-1.el8 to 2.3.1-4.el7
  • libselinux updated from 2.9-6.el8 to 2.5-15.el7
  • libselinux-utils updated from 2.9-6.el8 to 2.5-15.el7
  • libsemanage updated from 2.9-9.el8_6 to 2.5-14.el7
  • libsepol updated from 2.9-3.el8 to 2.5-10.el7
  • libsmartcols updated from 2.32.1-39.el8_7 to 2.23.2-65.0.3.el7_9.1
  • libss updated from 1.46.2-2.el8 to 1.45.4-3.0.5.el7
  • libsss_idmap updated from 2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3 to 1.16.5-10.0.3.el7_9.15
  • libsss_nss_idmap updated from 2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3 to 1.16.5-10.0.3.el7_9.15
  • libstdc++ updated from 8.5.0-16.0.2.el8_7 to 4.8.5-44.0.3.el7
  • libstoragemgmt updated from 1.9.1-3.el8 to 1.8.1-2.el7_9
  • libsysfs updated from 2.1.0-25.el8 to 2.1.0-16.el7
  • libtasn1 updated from 4.13-4.el8_7 to 4.10-1.el7
  • libteam updated from 1.31-2.el8 to 1.29-3.el7
  • libtirpc updated from 1.1.4-8.el8 to 0.2.4-0.16.el7
  • libunistring updated from 0.9.9-3.el8 to 0.9.3-9.el7
  • libusbx updated from 1.0.23-4.el8 to 1.0.21-1.el7
  • libuser updated from 0.62-24.el8 to 0.60-9.el7
  • libutempter updated from 1.1.6-14.el8 to 1.1.6-4.el7
  • libuuid updated from 2.32.1-39.el8_7 to 2.23.2-65.0.3.el7_9.1
  • libverto updated from 0.3.2-2.el8 to 0.2.5-4.el7
  • libxml2 updated from 2.9.7-15.el8_7.1 to 2.9.1-6.0.3.el7_9.6
  • libyaml updated from 0.1.7-5.el8 to 0.1.4-11.el7_0
  • libzstd updated from 1.4.4-1.0.1.el8 to 1.4.4-1.el7
  • linux-firmware updated from 20230315-999.18.gitc761dbe8.el8 to 20230315-999.18.gitc761dbe8.el7
  • lm_sensors-libs updated from 3.4.0-23.20180522git70f7e08.el8 to 3.4.0-8.20160601gitf9185e5.0.1.el7
  • logrotate updated from 3.14.0-4.el8 to 3.8.6-19.el7
  • lshw updated from B.02.19.2-6.el8 to B.02.18-17.el7
  • lsof updated from 4.93.2-1.el8 to 4.87-6.el7
  • lsscsi updated from 0.32-3.el8 to 0.27-6.el7
  • ltrace updated from 0.7.91-28.el8 to 0.7.91-16.el7
  • lvm2 updated from 2.03.14-6.el8 to 2.02.187-6.0.5.el7_9.5
  • lvm2-libs updated from 2.03.14-6.el8 to 2.02.187-6.0.5.el7_9.5
  • lzo updated from 2.08-14.el8 to 2.06-8.el7
  • make updated from 4.2.1-11.el8 to 3.82-24.el7
  • man-db updated from to 2.6.3-11.el7
  • man-pages updated from 4.15-7.el8 to 3.53-5.el7
  • man-pages-overrides updated from to 7.9.0-1.el7
  • mdadm updated from 4.2-5.el8 to 4.1-9.0.1.el7_9
  • microcode_ctl updated from 20220809-1.0.1.el8 to 2.1-
  • mlocate updated from 0.26-20.el8 to 0.26-8.el7
  • mokutil updated from 0.6.0-1.0.1.el8 to 15.6-1.0.7.el7
  • mpfr updated from 3.1.6-1.el8 to 3.1.1-4.el7
  • mtr updated from 0.92-3.el8 to 0.85-7.el7
  • nano updated from 2.9.8-1.el8 to 2.3.1-10.el7
  • ncurses updated from 6.1-9.20180224.el8 to 5.9-14.20130511.el7_4
  • ncurses-base updated from 6.1-9.20180224.el8 to 5.9-14.20130511.el7_4
  • ncurses-libs updated from 6.1-9.20180224.el8 to 5.9-14.20130511.el7_4
  • net-tools updated from 2.0-0.52.20160912git.el8 to 2.0-0.25.20131004git.el7
  • nettle updated from 3.4.1-7.el8 to 2.7.1-9.el7_9
  • newt updated from 0.52.20-11.el8 to 0.52.15-4.el7
  • nfs-utils updated from 2.3.3-57.el8_7.1 to 1.3.0-
  • nspr updated from 4.34.0-3.el8_6 to 4.34.0-3.1.el7_9
  • nss updated from 3.79.0-11.el8_7 to 3.79.0-5.el7_9
  • nss-softokn updated from 3.79.0-11.el8_7 to 3.79.0-4.0.1.el7_9
  • nss-softokn-freebl updated from 3.79.0-11.el8_7 to 3.79.0-4.0.1.el7_9
  • nss-sysinit updated from 3.79.0-11.el8_7 to 3.79.0-5.el7_9
  • nss-util updated from 3.79.0-11.el8_7 to 3.79.0-1.el7_9
  • numactl-libs updated from 2.0.12-13.el8 to 2.0.12-5.0.3.el7
  • oci-utils updated from 0.14.0-2.el8 to 0.14.0-2.el7
  • oniguruma updated from 6.8.2-2.el8 to 5.9.5-3.el7
  • openldap updated from 2.4.46-18.el8 to 2.4.44-25.el7_9
  • openssh updated from 8.0p1-17.el8_7 to 7.4p1-22.0.1.el7_9
  • openssh-clients updated from 8.0p1-17.el8_7 to 7.4p1-22.0.1.el7_9
  • openssh-server updated from 8.0p1-17.el8_7 to 7.4p1-22.0.1.el7_9
  • openssl updated from 1.1.1k-9.el8_7 to 1.0.2k-26.ksplice1.el7_9
  • openssl-libs updated from 1.1.1k-9.el8_7 to 1.0.2k-26.ksplice1.el7_9
  • oracle-cloud-agent updated from 1.31.0-8769.el8 to 1.33.0-9357.el7
  • oracle-logos updated from 84.5-1.0.1.el8 to 70.7.0-1.0.7.el7
  • oraclelinux-release updated from 8.7-1.0.6.el8 to 7.9-1.0.11.el7
  • os-prober updated from 1.74-9.0.1.el8 to 1.58-9.0.1.el7
  • oswatcher updated from 9.0.0-5.el8 to 9.0.0-5.el7
  • p11-kit updated from 0.23.22-1.el8 to 0.23.5-3.el7
  • p11-kit-trust updated from 0.23.22-1.el8 to 0.23.5-3.el7
  • pam updated from 1.3.1-22.el8 to 1.1.8-23.el7
  • parted updated from 3.2-39.0.1.el8 to 3.1-32.0.1.el7
  • passwd updated from 0.80-4.el8 to 0.79-6.el7
  • pciutils updated from 3.7.0-1.el8 to 3.5.1-3.0.1.el7
  • pciutils-libs updated from 3.7.0-1.el8 to 3.5.1-3.0.1.el7
  • pcre updated from 8.42-6.el8 to 8.32-17.el7
  • perf updated from 4.18.0-425.19.2.el8_7 to 3.10.0-1160.
  • perl-Carp updated from 1.42-396.el8 to 1.26-244.el7
  • perl-Encode updated from 2.97-3.el8 to 2.51-7.el7
  • perl-Exporter updated from 5.72-396.el8 to 5.68-3.el7
  • perl-File-Path updated from 2.15-2.el8 to 2.09-2.el7
  • perl-File-Temp updated from 0.230.600-1.el8 to 0.23.01-3.el7
  • perl-Getopt-Long updated from 2.50-4.el8 to 2.40-3.el7
  • perl-HTTP-Tiny updated from 0.074-1.el8 to 0.033-3.el7
  • perl-PathTools updated from 3.74-1.el8 to 3.40-5.el7
  • perl-Pod-Escapes updated from 1.07-395.el8 to 1.04-299.el7_9
  • perl-Pod-Perldoc updated from 3.28-396.el8 to 3.20-4.el7
  • perl-Pod-Simple updated from 3.35-395.el8 to 3.28-4.el7
  • perl-Pod-Usage updated from 1.69-395.el8 to 1.63-3.el7
  • perl-Scalar-List-Utils updated from 1.49-2.el8 to 1.27-248.el7
  • perl-Socket updated from 2.027-3.el8 to 2.010-5.el7
  • perl-Storable updated from 3.11-3.el8 to 2.45-3.el7
  • perl-Text-ParseWords updated from 3.30-395.el8 to 3.29-4.el7
  • perl-Time-Local updated from 1.280-1.el8 to 1.2300-2.el7
  • perl-autodie updated from 2.29-396.el8 to 2.16-2.el7
  • perl-constant updated from 1.33-396.el8 to 1.27-2.el7
  • perl-libs updated from 5.26.3-421.el8 to 5.16.3-299.el7_9
  • perl-macros updated from 5.26.3-421.el8 to 5.16.3-299.el7_9
  • perl-parent updated from 0.237-1.el8 to 0.225-244.el7
  • perl-podlators updated from 4.11-1.el8 to 2.5.1-3.el7
  • perl-threads updated from 2.21-2.el8 to 1.87-4.el7
  • perl-threads-shared updated from 1.58-2.el8 to 1.43-6.el7
  • pinentry updated from 1.1.0-2.el8 to 0.8.1-17.el7
  • pinfo updated from 0.6.10-18.el8 to 0.6.10-9.el7
  • pixman updated from 0.38.4-2.el8 to 0.34.0-1.el7
  • policycoreutils updated from 2.9-20.0.1.el8 to 2.5-34.0.1.el7
  • polkit updated from 0.115-13.0.1.el8_5.2 to 0.112-26.0.1.el7_9.1
  • polkit-pkla-compat updated from 0.1-12.el8 to 0.1-4.el7
  • popt updated from 1.18-1.el8 to 1.13-16.el7
  • procps-ng updated from 3.3.15-9.0.1.el8 to 3.3.10-28.el7
  • psacct updated from 6.6.3-4.el8 to 6.6.1-13.el7
  • python3-daemon updated from 2.2.4-1.el8 to 2.1.2-7.0.3.el7
  • python3-docutils updated from 0.14-12.module+el8.3.0+7694+550a8252 to 0.14-1.el7
  • python3-libs updated from 3.6.8-48.0.1.el8_7.1 to 3.6.8-19.0.1.el7_9
  • python3-lockfile updated from 0.11.0-13.el8 to 0.11.0-13.0.1.el7
  • python3-pip updated from 9.0.3-22.el8 to 9.0.3-8.0.3.el7
  • python3-sdnotify updated from 0.3.2-4.el8 to 0.3.2-4.0.1.el7
  • python3-setuptools updated from 39.2.0-6.el8_7.1 to 39.2.0-10.0.1.el7
  • python36-circuitbreaker updated from 1.3.1-1.el8 to 1.3.1-1.el7
  • python36-oci-sdk updated from 2.93.1-1.el8 to 2.93.1-1.el7
  • quota updated from 4.04-14.el8 to 4.01-19.el7
  • quota-nls updated from 4.04-14.el8 to 4.01-19.el7
  • readline updated from 7.0-10.el8 to 6.2-11.el7
  • rhn-check updated from 2.8.16-13.0.6.module+el8.7.0+21032+057d0dfe to 2.0.2-24.0.9.el7
  • rhn-client-tools updated from 2.8.16-13.0.6.module+el8.7.0+21032+057d0dfe to 2.0.2-24.0.9.el7
  • rhn-setup updated from 2.8.16-13.0.6.module+el8.7.0+21032+057d0dfe to 2.0.2-24.0.9.el7
  • rhnlib updated from 2.8.6-8.0.2.module+el8.7.0+21027+f0093b7a to 2.5.65-8.0.5.el7
  • rhnsd updated from 5.0.35-3.0.1.module+el8+5192+3173336a to 5.0.13-10.0.1.el7
  • rootfiles updated from 8.1-22.el8 to 8.1-11.el7
  • rpcbind updated from 1.2.5-10.el8 to 0.2.0-49.el7
  • rpm updated from 4.14.3-24.el8_7 to 4.11.3-48.el7_9
  • rpm-build-libs updated from 4.14.3-24.el8_7 to 4.11.3-48.el7_9
  • rpm-libs updated from 4.14.3-24.el8_7 to 4.11.3-48.el7_9
  • rsync updated from 3.1.3-19.el8_7.1 to 3.1.2-12.el7_9
  • rsyslog updated from 8.2102.0-10.el8 to 8.24.0-57.0.3.el7_9.3
  • scl-utils updated from 2.0.2-15.0.1.el8 to 20130529-19.el7
  • sed updated from 4.5-5.el8 to 4.2.2-7.el7
  • selinux-policy updated from 3.14.3-108.0.3.el8_7.2 to 3.13.1-268.0.17.el7_9.2
  • selinux-policy-targeted updated from 3.14.3-108.0.3.el8_7.2 to 3.13.1-268.0.17.el7_9.2
  • setools-console updated from 4.3.0-3.el8 to 3.3.8-4.el7
  • setup updated from 2.12.2-7.el8 to 2.8.71-11.el7
  • sg3_utils updated from 1.44-6.el8 to 1.37-19.0.1.el7
  • sg3_utils-libs updated from 1.44-6.el8 to 1.37-19.0.1.el7
  • shadow-utils updated from 4.6-17.el8 to 4.6-5.0.1.el7
  • shared-mime-info updated from 1.9-3.el8 to 1.8-5.el7
  • shim-x64 updated from 15.7-1.0.3.el8 to 15.6-1.0.7.el7
  • slang updated from 2.3.2-3.el8 to 2.2.4-11.el7
  • smartmontools updated from 7.1-1.el8 to 7.0-2.el7
  • snappy updated from 1.1.8-3.el8 to 1.1.0-3.el7
  • sos updated from 4.5.1-3.0.1.el8 to 3.9-5.0.19.el7_9.10
  • sqlite updated from 3.26.0-17.el8_7 to 3.7.17-8.el7_7.1
  • sssd-client updated from 2.7.3-4.0.1.el8_7.3 to 1.16.5-10.0.3.el7_9.15
  • strace updated from 5.18-2.el8 to 4.24-6.el7
  • sudo updated from 1.8.29-8.el8_7.1 to 1.8.23-10.el7_9.3
  • sysstat updated from 11.7.3-7.0.1.el8_7.1 to 10.1.5-20.0.1.el7_9
  • systemd updated from 239-68.0.2.el8_7.4 to 219-78.0.10.el7_9.7
  • systemd-libs updated from 239-68.0.2.el8_7.4 to 219-78.0.10.el7_9.7
  • systemtap updated from 4.7-1.0.1.el8 to 4.0-13.0.1.el7
  • systemtap-client updated from 4.7-1.0.1.el8 to 4.0-13.0.1.el7
  • systemtap-devel updated from 4.7-1.0.1.el8 to 4.0-13.0.1.el7
  • systemtap-runtime updated from 4.7-1.0.1.el8 to 4.0-13.0.1.el7
  • tar updated from 1.30-6.el8_7.1 to 1.26-35.el7
  • tcpdump updated from 4.9.3-3.el8 to 4.9.2-4.0.1.el7_7.1
  • teamd updated from 1.31-2.el8 to 1.29-3.el7
  • time updated from 1.9-3.el8 to 1.7-45.el7
  • trace-cmd updated from 2.7-10.0.1.el8 to 2.7.0-3.el7
  • trousers updated from 0.3.15-1.el8 to 0.3.14-2.el7
  • tuned updated from 2.19.0-1.0.1.el8 to 2.11.0-12.0.1.el7_9
  • tuned-profiles-oci updated from 2.19.0-1.0.1.el8 to 2.11.0-12.0.1.el7_9
  • tuned-profiles-oci-recommend updated from 2.19.0-1.0.1.el8 to 2.11.0-12.0.1.el7_9
  • tzdata updated from 2023c-1.el8 to 2023c-1.el7
  • unzip updated from 6.0-46.0.1.el8 to 6.0-24.0.1.el7_9
  • uptrack updated from 1.2.79-0.el8 to 1.2.79-0.el7
  • usbutils updated from 010-3.el8 to 007-5.el7
  • usermode updated from 1.113-2.el8 to 1.111-6.el7
  • util-linux updated from 2.32.1-39.el8_7 to 2.23.2-65.0.3.el7_9.1
  • vdo updated from to
  • vim-common updated from 8.0.1763-19.0.1.el8_6.4 to 7.4.629-8.0.1.el7_9
  • vim-enhanced updated from 8.0.1763-19.0.1.el8_6.4 to 7.4.629-8.0.1.el7_9
  • vim-filesystem updated from 8.0.1763-19.0.1.el8_6.4 to 7.4.629-8.0.1.el7_9
  • vim-minimal updated from 8.0.1763-19.0.1.el8_6.4 to 7.4.629-8.0.1.el7_9
  • virt-what updated from 1.25-1.el8 to 1.18-4.el7_9.1
  • wget updated from 1.19.5-10.0.1.el8 to 1.14-18.el7_6.1
  • which updated from 2.21-18.el8 to 2.20-7.el7
  • words updated from 3.0-28.el8 to 3.0-22.el7
  • xdg-utils updated from 1.1.2-5.el8 to 1.1.0-0.17.20120809git.el7
  • xfsdump updated from 3.1.8-4.el8 to 3.1.7-3.el7_9
  • xfsprogs updated from 5.15.0-1.0.3.el8 to 5.4.0-1.0.1.el7
  • xz updated from 5.2.4-4.el8_6 to 5.2.2-2.el7_9
  • xz-libs updated from 5.2.4-4.el8_6 to 5.2.2-2.el7_9
  • yum updated from 4.7.0-11.0.1.el8 to 3.4.3-168.0.3.el7
  • yum-utils updated from 4.0.21- to 1.1.31-54.0.1.el7_8
  • zip updated from 3.0-23.el8 to 3.0-11.el7
  • zlib updated from 1.2.11-21.el8_7 to 1.2.7-21.el7_9

Image OCIDs
