Configure Data Export Settings

Use this action button to export JMS fleet data. You can export JMS fleet data to a CSV file, which will be uploaded to an object storage location of your choice. This feature facilitates analysis and collaboration with administrators who might not have direct access to OCI or JMS.

Upon enabling data export, JMS Fleets will provide a Data Export SQL script in the Data Export Settings Tab. This script loads the CSV files exported to Object Storage into an Autonomous Database in your tenancy region. See Export Data to Autonomous Database.

Data export is disabled by default. Toggle the setting to Enable to configure data export for your fleet. Enabling data export means that storage charges may apply based on the amount of data stored in the object storage. Disabling data export will remove all data export configurations, details of export jobs that have already run, and scheduled export jobs.


Configure the frequency at which the reports should be generated by selecting one of the options:
  • Daily. Reports will be generated at 1:00 a.m. in the OCI region each day.
  • Weekly. Reports will be generated at 1:00 a.m. in the OCI region every Monday.
  • Monthly. Reports will be generated at 1:00 a.m. in the OCI region on the first day of each month.


Provide a valid object storage path as the destination for exporting your fleet data. The URL should be in the format<namespace>/<bucketname>/objects?region=<region>, which is used to access the object storage bucket in a web browser. The object storage bucket need not be in the same region as that of the fleet and can be located within any subscribed OCI region. If you give the same object storage location for fleets in different regions, then you'll have access to fleet data from different regions in a single place, which is the object storage location that you provided. JMS Fleets will require acknowledgement for data movement across regions if the object storage path provided is in a different region to that of the fleet.

Ensure that the necessary permissions and access controls are set for the specified Object storage bucket to allow the service to write the export data. If the provided path is invalid or inaccessible, the export process will fail.

The required policies are:
Allow RESOURCE jms server-components TO MANAGE objects in compartment <compartment> where = 'bucket-name'
Allow RESOURCE jms server-components TO READ buckets in compartment <compartment> where = 'bucket-name'

Replace <bucket-name> and <compartment> with the name of the object storage bucket and the respective compartment where the object storage bucket is located. See Managing Policies.

JMS Fleets doesn't manage bucket permissions and you need to grant the service the necessary permissions by setting the above policies. If you want other users to download the CSV files, ensure they also have the required permissions. See Managing Buckets.


Select the resources to be included in the export report by choosing an option:
  • Managed instances. The report will include Region, Compartment, Fleet (Name and Status), Managed instance (OCID, OS, Last seen, First seen).
  • Managed instances and Java runtimes: The report will include Region, Compartment, Fleet (Name and Status), Managed instance (OCID OS, Last seen, First seen), Java runtime (Version, Vendor, Security State, Distribution, Installation path, Last seen, First seen).
  • Managed instances, Java runtimes, and applications (default setting): The report will include Region, Compartment, Fleet (Name and Status), Managed instance (OCID OS, Last seen, First seen), Java runtime (Version, Vendor, Security State, Distribution, Installation path, Last seen, First seen), Application (Name, Install path, Last seen, First seen).


Specify the period for which the data should be included in the report:
  • 30 days: The report will include data from the last 30 days.
  • 60 days: The report will include data from the last 60 days.
  • 90 days: The report will include data from the last 90 days.

Click Save to apply the data export settings.

Data Export Work Requests

At the scheduled time, a work request is created for this operation. You can view the progress or status of this operation from the Work Request Details module.

Errors during the export process are logged in the work request's error log section. The system makes a maximum of two further retry attempts for certain failures. Each attempt is made three hours after the previous failed one. If the export is still unsuccessful after these attempts, the encountered errors are provided in the error.log. This error.log is then uploaded to the target object storage bucket, provided that the bucket is accessible.


Retries will not be attempted under the following conditions:
  • The fleet is not in the Active state.
  • The object storage bucket is not accessible.

In cases where no errors are encountered but there is no data found during the export job, a NO_DATA_FOUND.log file is uploaded to the bucket instead of the CSV.