Deployment Rule Set

A Deployment Rule Set, applicable only for Java 8, is a set of rules and policies used to control and manage the execution of Java applets and web applications in a secure and customizable manner. The DRS file is an XML file that is packaged as a signed JAR file. Read Deployment Rule Set (DRS) to learn how to use a DRS file. JMS Fleets lets you upload a DRS file to your fleet that can then be distributed to all managed instances in your fleet using Distribute and Remove Deployment Rule Set. The DRS file for the fleet can be modified by selecting More actions, Configure Java runtime lifecycle management settings, and then Deployment rule set from the fleet details page. Use the file selector to choose a DRS file from your local filesystem and click Upload.


JMS Fleets validates the file before upload and will:
  • Inspect if the file is a signed JAR file containing an XML with the proper format and structure
  • Check if the signature of the JAR is valid
  • Fail upload if the check fails
  • Upload the file to the Object Storage bucket created when advanced features was enabled for the fleet, if the checks pass
If a DRS file is already uploaded to the fleet, then:
  1. You can upload a new DRS file to the fleet. This will not automatically replace the DRS file in managed instances. To update the DRS files in managed instances, use the Distribute DRS option under the Distribute and Remove Deployment Rule Set action to distribute the new DRS file.
  2. You can delete the existing file. This will not automatically remove the DRS file in managed instances. To remove the DRS files in managed instances, use the Remove DRS option under the Distribute and Remove Deployment Rule Set action.

You can view the progress or status of the upload or delete actions from the Work request module.