Java Runtime Installations

The Java runtime installations data is aggregated daily and presented in a table. If the number of installations vary during the course of the UTC date, due to installations or uninstallations, the highest number is displayed in the table of installations.

Click Java runtime installations to view a table of installations of the selected Java runtime.

The table presents a list of Java runtime installations. For each installation, the table presents the following information:
  • Operating system: operating system of the host, such as Windows, Linux
  • Path: file system path, such as /usr/lib/jvm/jdk13.0.1/
  • Architecture: Java runtime architecture, such as x64 or amd64
  • Vendor: such as Oracle Corporation
  • Applications: number of applications using the Java runtime installation path
  • Managed instances: count of managed instances associated with the Java runtime
  • First reported: date and time when Java runtimes were first reported
  • Last reported: date and time when Java runtimes were last reported
Each row of the table includes a contextual menu (indicated by a vertical ellipsis at the end of a row). Select View details from this menu to view a table of managed instances associated with the installation. For each managed instance, the table presents the following information:
  • Host: name of the host associated with the managed instance
  • Agent status: such as Silent
  • Agent state: specifies the agent security state, such as Update available
  • OCID: OCID of the managed instance
  • Applications: number of applications installed on the host at the selected time period
  • Deployed applications: number of application deployed on the host at the selected time period
  • Operating system: such as Linux
  • First reported: date and time when Java runtimes were first reported
  • Last reported: date and time when Java runtimes were last reported

Click the hostname of a managed instance to view its details. (See Managed Instance Details.)

For more information about an installation, see Installation.