Migration Analysis Reports

JMS Fleets provides comprehensive reports that help you determine the migration effort and risks involved in migrating applications from older JDK versions to the required newer JDK version.

In the fleet details page, click Migration analysis reports in the Resources section. The table provides report summary of all applications for which the analysis has been initiated. It provides detailed analysis of the API changes pertaining to each class, along with the diagnostic count - the total number of changes required.

The following information is presented in the table:

  • Report name: name of the report, which is a combination of application name, managed instance, and start time
  • Application or Deployed application name: the name of the application or deployed application being analyzed.
  • Application or Deployed application installation path: the installation path for the application or the source associated with the deployed application being analyzed
  • Deployment type: the deployment type of an application - standalone or on a Java server
  • Managed instance: the managed instance on which the application is running
  • Source JDK: the current JDK version in use by the application
  • Target JDK: the JDK version to which migration is being evaluated
  • Report: the downloadable HTML report
  • Created time: the time at which the report was generated

Click the report name to view the Migration Report details and the application name to view the application or deployed application details.