Running Crypto Event Analysis

Crypto event analysis is available from the managed instances table in the Fleet details page.

  1. You initiate the crypto event analysis using one of the following methods:
    • In the Fleet details panel, click Crypto Event Analysis.
    • In the Resources section in the fleet details page, click Managed instances. Select the managed instances for which you need to perform the analysis. Click Actions and then Crypto Event Analysis.
    • In the Managed instances table, select a managed instance, and then click Crypto Event Analysis.
  2. Review the Object storage bucket name and Crypto log object.
  3. Specify the Period to detect running applications. The default and minimum period is equal to the agent polling interval. The maximum value you can enter is 24 hours.
  4. Specify the Maximum recording duration for each detected running application. Default recording duration - 1 hour, Minimum - 5 minutes, Maximum - 24 hours.

    Crypto Event Analysis will monitor managed instance(s) for running applications and application invocations for the specified duration in Period to detect running applications. For each managed instance part of the request, the monitoring process starts when the respective agent in the managed instance(s) polls for the request. During the monitoring period, the agent will attempt to capture recordings of running applications and application invocations, with each recording having a maximum duration of up to Maximum recording duration for each detected running application specified by you.


    If any of the agents in the managed instance(s) are inactive during the Period to detect running applications duration, the crypto event analysis will not be carried out in those respective managed instance(s).
  5. Click Start to run the analysis. If the analysis is successful, you'll see a confirmation message. A Work Request is created for this operation. The progress or status of this operation can be viewed from the Work request module.

See Crypto Analysis Reports Details to review the results of the crypto event analysis.