Running Performance Analysis

Follow these steps to initiate Performance analysis for an application:

  1. In the Resources section on the fleet details page, navigate to Managed instances. In the Managed instances table, locate the specific managed instance where the application you want to analyze is running.
  2. In the Resources section on the managed instance details page, navigate to Applications. Select the desired applications by checking the respective boxes in the table. Then, click Actions and choose Start performance analysis.
  3. In the Performance analysis page Configuration section, specify the period to detect running applications.
    The duration is set in minutes, for a maximum of 24 hours. Set the maximum recording duration for each detected running application. The default recording period is 15 minutes, and the maximum duration is 24 hours.
  4. Click Analyze to run the analysis. If the request is successful, you'll see a confirmation message. A Work Request is created for this operation. You can view the progress or status of this operation from the Work request module.
  5. Go to Performance Analysis Reports.