Java Management Service Section
The Java Management Service section shows the number of resources being monitored by JMS Fleets in the chosen compartment. You can choose a different compartment using the Compartment selector. The following tiles are available in this section:
- Fleets: The Fleets tile displays the number of active fleets in the selected compartment.
- Managed Instance: The Managed Instance tile displays the number of managed instances in the active fleets of the selected compartment.
- Java Runtimes: The Java Runtimes tile displays the number of java runtimes in the active fleets of the selected compartment.
- Applications: The Applications tile displays the number of applications in the active fleets of the selected compartment.
You can also perform actions using the following buttons in the section:
- Access the Java Management Documentation using the View Documentation button
- Try out the Java Management LiveLabs using the View LiveLabs button
- Provide your feedback by completing a survey using the Give Your Feedback button