Performance Analysis Report Details

Performance analysis page has two sections, the Report summary and Performance analysis result.

  1. Report summary
    • General information
      • Managed instance name: the name of the managed instance in which the analyzed applications are running.
      • Application name: the name of the application being analyzed. There could be more than one application.
      • Application installation path: the installation directory path in which the application is installed
      • Start time: the start time of the JFR capture for performance analysis in the managed instance.
      • Completion time: the completion time of the JFR capture for performance analysis in the managed instance.
      • The options that you set when you ran the analysis.

      Click the link to view the application details.

    • Analysis results
      • Performance analysis results: summary of the analysis results.
      • Current VM options: current VM options of the running application.
      • Recommended VM options: the VM options that are recommended for running the application.
  2. Performance analysis result

    In the performance analysis results table, you can filter the results to see specific details. You can sort the results by Option, Operation, and Value. See Performance Analysis Recommendations.