Monitor Your Continuous Log Collection

After you complete the set up for continuous log collection, the Management Agent installed on your host emits information about the size of log data that it is uploading to Logging Analytics and errors encountered, if any.

This data is displayed for each log source with the following agent log collection metrics:

  • Agent Data Upload Size (logCollectionUploadDataSize): The size of the log data collected through the Management Agent for each log source.

  • Agent Data Upload Errors (logCollectionUploadFailureCount): The count of errors occurred for each log source during the log collection and the type of errors.

To access the Agent Data Upload Size and Agent Data Upload Errors metrics, see Monitor Logging Analytics Using Service Metrics.

To modify the filters applied on the metrics data, you can view the metrics in the metrics explorer and change the metrics dimensions:

  1. Click the Options menu on the top right corner of the agent log collection metric, and select View in Metric Explorer.

    The metric is now displayed in the Metrics Explorer. Here, you can view the chart in finer detail.

  2. Click Edit Queries and select Dimension Name and Dimension Value for the metric. For example, if you want to view the upload data size for a specific host host123, then select the metric name logCollectionUploadDataSize, dimension name as agentHostName and the dimension value as host123.

    Click Update Chart to refresh the chart visualization. The chart will now display only the upload data size for the specified host.

    Similarly, if you want to view the number of upload errors encountered of the type LogGroupPolicyError, then select the metric name logCollectionUploadFailureCount, dimension name as errorCode and the dimension value as LogGroupPolicyError.

    Click Update Chart to refresh the chart visualization. The chart will now display the count of upload errors of the specified type for the specified period.

    You can switch to the Data Table view for a tabular representation of the data points in the metrics.

Following are the dimensions available to filter the metric data:

Dimension Metrics Details
agentHostName logCollectionUploadDataSize, logCollectionUploadFailureCount

The name of the host on which Management Agent is installed

logGroup logCollectionUploadDataSize, logCollectionUploadFailureCount

The log group in which the log collection happens

logSourceType logCollectionUploadDataSize, logCollectionUploadFailureCount

The log source type, which can be

  • File
  • Syslog Listener
  • Database
  • Windows Event System
  • Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL)
resourceId logCollectionUploadDataSize, logCollectionUploadFailureCount

The OCID of the Management Agent

errorCode logCollectionUploadFailureCount

The error reported by the Management Agent

Following are the various types of errors reported by the Management Agent in the logCollectionUploadFailureCount metric for the dimension errorCode:

Error Type Description Recommended Fix


Occurs due to authorization failure during log upload. This is caused by incorrect IAM policies.

HTTP status code: 404

Check the IAM policies you created for enabling continuous log collection and verify that the required permissions are given. See Allow Continuous Log Collection Using Management Agents.


Occurs when the Management Agent sends request with incorrect parameters.

HTTP status code: 400

Contact Oracle Support with the Error Type information.


Occurs when the Management Agent sends request with incorrect signature.

HTTP status code: 401


Occurs when the Management Agent sends request with a payload which is larger than expected.

HTTP status code: 413


Occurs when the Management Agent sends requests which are more in number than what is defined in the endpoint configuration.

HTTP status code: 429


Occurs when an unexpected exception crops up in the Management Agent.

HTTP status code: 500

HTTP Error Code <error code>

All other unexpected error codes returned on the log upload endpoint.

For the actions that you can perform with each metric, see Actions for Service Metrics.